Part 7

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"Geralt, where's y/n?!" Yennfer looked around hastily as I grabbed her armor and swords from the ground.

I sighed, "The blood moon must of happened last night. She couldn't have gone far. Especially since she doesn't have any clothes on." I laughed at the last part, shooting the mage a smile.

"S-so when we find y/n, she's going to be naked?" Yen gulped and my smile turned into an oily smirk.

"Hope that won't be a problem for you."

"Not at all." I heard Yen mumble under her breath and it took everything in me not to burst out into a fit of laughter.


"So, heard any more news about this wolf queen? Heard the townsfolk talking." I cleared my throat as I stepped onto the next rock as both of us crossed a river.

"Just that some people have gone missing and there's some animal carcass in the woods. The wolf queen doesn't stay in one spot it seems. That or it's a human with a curse." Ciri said. "Have you heard anything? Seen it even?"

I shook my head and stepped off the last rock onto the river bank. "First I'm hearing of the thing actually."

That's it, play it cool. Geralt and now Yennefer were the only two people who actually knew about my curse, everyone just called me the black wolf because my hair was as dark as a ravens feathers.

"That's the camp ahead. There's two guards standing outside that cave and I'm assuming there's more inside. Ready to do this?" Ciri turned to look at me, her sea green eyes looking intently at my face as the blonde strands of hair whipped in her eyes as the wind blew softly.

"I should be asking you that, I do this kind of stuff all the time." I smirked at the princess before leaping over the hill we were using for cover and charged towards the giants. The brutes readied their giant bone clubs as they got into their fighting stance.

The ginger haired giant swung his club down just as I slid between his legs, slicing into his cafe with my steel sword, rolling out of the way when the brunette haired giant swung his club down onto the grass. The earth shook as Ciri and I fought the giants, our fluidity was near perfection having never fought alongside eachother before. I ducked under another swing as sliced the gingers achillies heel, his loud yelp in pain made my eardrums hurt as he dropped down to one knee, giving Ciri and I the full advantage to quickly clamber up his body and drive our steel swords into his heart.

The giant roared, the blood oozing down his chest. Turning just in time I heard the second giant growl, swinging his club towards us I could almost see all the dried blood coating the bone.

"Watch out!" I yelled as I pushed Ciri off the giant, feeling the club smack me in the side and my body go flying as the ground shook, the first beast falling to the ground with our swords still stuck in his chest.

Black Wolf ; Yennefer x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now