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Making friends, I've never been the greatest at it especially when I'm the new girl. Thankfully the people that I work with are great.

Their friendly and talkative and help when I try and awkwardly star up a conversation. Most of them are early thirties and older but there is one girl Angela who's only 2 years older than me. She's been working here for the past year and was raised here in Halifax, so she knows it like the back of her hand.

Luckily for me she's decided to take me under her wing and show me around. All of her favorite spots, restaurants, cafes, clothing shops and bars.

On my first weekend Angela decided that we needed a girls night out so she came over to my place, which I'd finally finished unpacking that morning and we got all dressed up for dinner and a night out on the town.

"I love this dress. I want this dress, where do I get a dress like this?" Angela asked going through my closet. "My best friend back home is working on her own clothing line so she makes a lot of my clothing. I'm one of her favorite models so I get a lot of custom stuff." I say from the bathroom where I'm putting the final touches on my hair and makeup. I'd curled my long dark hair and let it flow and done a smokey eye.

"Okay I know you want to wear that skirt and shirt combo you've got on but you'd kill in this dress." She said as I walked out of the bathroom.

She was holding up one of the many dresses I'd purchased but never worn. It was black and hugged my body ending mid thigh. It had a sweetheart neckline with see through shoulders that had sparkles all over.. And I just so happens to have a pair of killer heels to go with it.

"I don't know." I said walking up and taking the dress from her. I'd purchased this dress right before moving here and absolutely loved it. "Oh and you have shoes too!" she said finding my stash.

I probably had about 20 pairs of heels that I rarely ever wore. "The black pumps would look good with it." I said walking back into the bathroom. Before I could think any farther I quickly changed into the dress and walked back into my room.

"I knew it. Damn, that dress was made for you." She said handing me the shoes. With the shoes on I was now the same height as Angela when she wasn't wearing heels.

She's a 6 ft blonde amazon goddess wearing a tight red bandage dress with a low neck and spaghetti straps that just barely held it all together and of course she looked amazing.

Somehow, Angela was able to get us a table at the hottest restaurant in town. It was amazing, delicious food, great drinks. There were even a few guys checking us out and two even sent us over free drinks, it was the perfect start to our girls night.

"So I was thinking we'd try and get into Element" Angela said as we left the restaurant. It was almost 10:30 and the night was just starting. "Umm sure. What's Element?" I asked as she led us down the street, I could hear music pumping out of a doorway with at least 30 people waiting in line to get in. "The new "it" place to go. I've been here twice since it opened and I love it!"

"Okay and what exactly did you mean by try and get in?" I asked as we got closer. "Well they're very busy, and it can sometimes take a while to get in. The line doesn't always move very fast."

As we walked up to the doorway to head for the end of the line I spotted some people that I recognized.

"Joe? Susan? Ben? Hey."

All three of them turned around at the sound of my voice, Susan showing her obvious dislike for me by rolling her eyes. She turned back around and started talking to the guy she was talking with before, but I had to hand it to her, her outfit was pretty awesome. High waist patent leather shorts and a black balconet style crop top.

"Wow! Miranda, you clean up nice." Ben said with a whistle checking me out. "Thanks..." I said before turning towards Joe. He looked hot tonight, which was astounding since he usually looked pretty damn good when I see him at the gym.

He pretty much looks like a slightly older Clark Kent. Tall, muscular, strong angular jaw, chocolate brown eyes that you could lose yourself in and a head of dark brown almost black hair. And he's really freaking tall, even while wearing heels he's still a few inches taller than me. His dark jeans and black button up shirt fit perfectly showing off just how toned his body was. "Hey."

"Hi.... How's it going. Oh... this is one of my Co workers Angela. Angela this is Joe. He works at the gym that I've been going to." I said. "Oh, so then that must be the guy who's ass she kicked the other day. You did say his name was Ben right." Angela said with a smirk towards Ben who sheepishly turned his head and started paying his girlfriend some attention. "Yup, that'd be him." I said with a smile.

"So are you guys going inside?" Joe asked gesturing towards the entrance. "Yeah, we were just heading for the line." Angela said pouting. "Don't bother. Hey Devon! I've got two." Joe called up to the bouncer. "Come on let's go." He said ushering us through the doors.

"Somebody's popular here." Angela said as we were lead straight through and to a booth at the back.

As soon as we arrived at the table a waitress arrived. "What can I get you?" "Ladies, what's your poison.?" Joe asked looking at us. "Vodka tonic please." I said smiling at the waitress. "Me too please!"

"What about you Joe?!" the waitress said way too enthusiastically. "I'll just have a beer."

"So Joe. How does one get in good graces with the staff here so they can get this type of treatment?" Angela asked looking at Joe who sat on the opposite side of me. "Well my friend and I own this club. And just so you know, I own the gym too." He said with a shrug. "Oh well then." Angela said looking at Joe in a new light.

"I'm going to go find the ladies room." I said standing up.

The club was huge and with two floors and a VIP section at the back of the first floor where we'd been sat in a booth. I slowly worked my way around the club from the ladies room, the club was busy and still there were more people flowing in.

"Joe I.." I stopped mid way through my sentence when I walked back up to the table and saw another man standing at the table talking to Joe. The man standing there was obviously a boxer, you could tell from the way that his clothing fit his body that he was totally ripped and the bruise on his cheek. He was tall with dirty blonde hair and midnight blue eyes. "Mer?"

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