Chapter 15

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"Yes me."

Well shit I hadn't expected that. I'd never thought of Malcolm as anything other than my best friend he was practically family. "Oh. Well I don't really know what to say to that."

"I've been in love with you since the moment that we met. Completely infatuated with you. You're the reason that I got into boxing, when I saw how much you loved it I thought that if I got good enough you'd finally see me but you never did. As soon as I realized that you'd never feel same way about me I took the first management offer that I got which brought me here.realize

"When I saw you that first night in the club I fell in love with you all over again. I thought that it might my second chance with you but then I saw the way that you and Joe were looking at each other and it broke my heart. I know I shouldn't have called your mom but I did it anyways. I'm sorry that I got her worried." He said all of this staring me straight in the eyes never wavering or looking away. He looking me straight in the eyes never wavering or looking away I'd never know that he'd felt that way, never even thought that may be going through his mind.

We stood there in an awkward silence just staring at each other.

"I'm sorry... I don't... I don't feel that way about you. I mean I loved you like like a brother at one point in my life, but that's as far as it'll ever go." I said taking a step back.

"I know. But I will always be here for you, and I will always, always fight for you." He said as I backed up farther. "Okay...."

"And don't worry about the jeep I'll get it out of storage for you."

"Yeah sure. Look I need to get back inside. I'll see you later." I didn't bother waiting for a response before I quickly turned around and booked it for the door.

As soon as I was inside and the door was closed behind me I stopped to lean against the wall. "Holly shit." I whispered to myself. What the hell was I going to do about that. Should I even do anything about it, or just ignore it, do I tell Joe?

After standing there for a minute I made myself move. I didn't want to attract any ones attention standing there too long.

I slowly made my way over to Joe's office. The door was open, after hesitating a moment I walked in. "Hey." I said going over to his couch and sitting down.

"Are you okay. You look a little pale." Joe said standing up from behind his desk and walking over to sit beside me. "I...."

"How did the talk with Malcolm go?" He asked brushing a strand of hair away from my face. "It was very.... telling... I kind of wish that I hadn't asked." I turned to look at Joe.

"What did he say?" He looked a little confused and worried. "That every thing he does is for my benefit....... and I'm getting the jeep back." I smiled at that part, I loved that jeep and was very happy to be getting it back.

"Well you look happy about that. Was there anything else? You look a little flustered." He asked looking me in the eyes. He was such a sweet guy and he really did care.

"He finally told me the truth and I feel the same way, so it was really awkward and weird." Joe's eyebrows scrunched in thought.

"What was the truth?" He asked hesitantly, as if he really didn't want to know. I took a deep breath and held it before answering. "That he's in love with me." I said releasing the breath in a rush.

Joe sat up straight and looked at me in surprise. "He..... that... is... surprising. He'd never talked about you until you showed up here. Didn't even talk about anyone back home but his family.... and.... you...... don't feel the same way...." He asked making sure that he heard me correctly.

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