Chapter 27

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I woke up Saturday morning to the smell of bacon and something sweet. When I rolled over stretching my hand over the empty space next to me. I groaned when I didn't find Joe, I opened my eyes and found the other side of my bed empty. I begrudgingly crawled out of bed, I slipped on a pair of underwear and one of Joe's shirts.

As Angie had suggested I'd looked around and found a few pieces of Joe's clothing around my room. He'd been sleeping over fairly often and by the sounds of it he'd made himself at home in my kitchen.

I walked out of my room to see Joe standing in my kitchen in a pair of boxers stirring something in a pot on the stove.

"Good morning sweetheart. How'd you sleep?" He asked as I walked around the island to stand beside him.

"Great, until I woke up alone." I said pouting at him as I was checking out what he was making. "But I think that whatever you're making here just might make up for it." I smiled up at him as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in close. "Sorry about that. I was hoping that you would still be asleep by the time that breakfast was ready."

I wound my arms around him and reached up on my tiptoes for a kiss. He willingly obliged leaning down to make it easier.

He put the last waffle onto a plate and handing it to me to bring to the table.

I moaned around my first bite of food. It was delicious. I was in envy of Joe's cooking skills. I moaned as I took another bite, the food was just so good.

"If you want to be able to actually finish this meal while it's still warm, you'd best stop moaning like that or I'm going to have to give you a whole different reason to." He was looking at me so intently when he said that, that I almost forgot to breath and choked on my food when I took a deep breath.  

Joe had a knowing look in his eyes as he pounded on my back as I tried to clear my throat. I gave him an evil look as I took a sip of water. That was mean of him and now I just really want to pounce on him waffles be damned, especially with him sitting there in just his boxers.

As soon as I could breath properly and ate a few more bites I set down my fork down and looked over at Joe. When he finally noticed me looking I raised my eyebrow in question before pouncing on him, I didn't really care if he had to be at work soon. All that I could think about was his promise that made me choke on my food.


Angie wanted to go shopping with me, which was a total blast. We spent two hours hopping from store to store. We gossipped about our guys the whole time, Angie gushed when I told her how much stuff of his that I'd found of his around my place.

"Do you ever go to his place?" She asked as I held up the cutest onsie. "Every once in awhile but my place is much better and I need more stuff so it's just easier for him to come to my place." I said.

By the time that we stopped shopping I'd spent way too much money and had a trunk full of clothing that I really didn't need, but Joe was going to love.

I made Joe help me unload the stuff before we ate chinese take out and polished off a bottle of wine. It was one of our simple most relaxing evenings together so far and I fell asleep wrapped in his arms.   

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