Chapter 18

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When we finished our food Angie went back into the spare room with Kevin following behind her and I headed to my room to finish getting ready. Joe headed into the kitchen to get us drinks before he met me in my room where I was doing my makeup at my vanity mirror.

"So who are you going dressed as?' He asked as he walked in and stopped beside me. "Mary Queen of Scotts from the T.V. show Reign." I said as I placed the small crown on my head and turned towards him. "Oh I see your a Queen for halloween." He said with a smile on his face as he walked towards me.

"Yup. And who are you?" I said taking the glass from him. "Prince Charming." He said with a cheeky grin on his face. "Oh really and who's prince charming do you plan on being?" I asked as I placed my glass on the vanity beside me and Joe took a few steps closer. "Yours." He said as he placed his arm around my waist and pulled me towards him. "Oh really."

"Oh yeah." he said as he sat his glass down beside mine at the same time as he lowered his head down to mine leaving just a breath of space between our lips. "So are we going to test out my new smudge proof lipstick or what." I said with a smile and gave him an eskimo kiss.

"Well it wouldn't hurt." He said before he kissed me.

Kissing Joe was something that I could definitely get used to. I slid my hands up his chest wrapping one around his neck and one around his shoulders pulling him closed to me. I moaned as he slid his tongue along my lips, and he tangles his fingers in my hair.

His other hand traveled down my back to stop and rest in the middle of my back, he pulled me closer leaving no space between us. His lips were so soft as they traveled down my neck and landed in the soft spot between my neck and shoulder. "mmm." I moaned as he sucked and nibbled on the tender spot. I could feel his grin against my skin.

I chuckled as he turned us around so that he was walking me backwards to my bed. Joe kissed his way back up my neck and I kissed him, I greedily took his mouth standing up on my toes to get a better angle. Joe trailed his hands down my back grabbing my leg and bringing it up to wrap around his waist. He grabbed my other leg and carried me over to my bed. He sat down with me on top of him, I definitely liked this position.

Joe left his hands on my ass as I let my hands roam around his chest and shoulders feeling his strong muscles bunch under my fingers. I kissed him deeply as I rocked my hips over his arousal making him groan. I felt my insides clench as he squeezed my ass and pulled me impossibly closer, oh my god that felt good. I was about to push him back onto the bed when Angie yelled from the living room. "Hey Mer are you guys almost ready?"

I pulled back from Joe with a startled gasp. "Um, yeah almost." I said after clearing my throat. "Well be out in a minute." Joe called, his voice gravelly. I looked to the door hoping that Angie couldn't see us, thankfully Joe had shut my door and she couldn't see in. "So your new lipstick held up to the challenge." He said with a chuckle as I turned towards him as smile playing on my lips.

I really didn't want to stop, I wanted to keep going but not with Angie and Kevin just outside of the room.

"As much as I really like this you should probably finish getting ready." He said reluctantly removing his hands from my ass and moving them to my hips so that he could lift me up and set me down beside the bed. "Yeah I should really finish getting ready."

I quickly walked back over to my vanity to touch up my make up, he'd been right my lipstick had held up. I added another coat of lipstick before I added the finishing touches on my costume. Joe stayed on the bed where I'd left him watching my every move. I sat down on a chair across from him to put my heels on. "okay, I'm ready now." I said standing up and grabbing my purse.

"Lets go." he said putting his hand around my waist as we walked back out into the living room.


Susan looked amazing in her Khaleesi costume and Benn looked hilarious in his vampire costume. Malcolm was standing with them "Hey we match!" he said walking over to us. "What do you mean that we match?" I asked confused. "I'm your husband! King Francis." He was way too excited about this. "Hell no." I said without thinking, he looked a little hurt by my words.

"King Francis is way better for Queen Mary than Prince Charming." He said taking a step closer. I took a step back and felt Joe's arms wrap around me. I stepped in closer so that I could feel his chest against my back.

"Come on let's go dance." Joe said in my ear before he kissed my cheek and pulled me away towards the dance floor. "Thanks." I said as we started to dance. "You're more than welcome." he said with a smile before he lowered his head so that he could kiss the crook of my neck.

We danced for a while before we saw that Kevin and Angie had found a table at the back and we went to join them. "Hey, how's it going? you having fun?" I asked Angie as I sat down beside her. "Oh yeah we're having fun. Did you see the other wonder woman here, her costume looks so cheap I definitely have the better costume." she said pointing the girl out.

"So is there really a costume contest tonight?" Angie asked turning to Joe with a hopeful look on her face. "Yeah there is. The ballots are at the end of the bar over there." Joe said pointing them out. "I'm so going to vote for myself!" Angie exclaimed before she stood up and went over to the voting box.

"When does the voting end?" I asked turning to Joe. "Midnight and then we'll give out the prizes at twelve thirty." He said wrapping his arm around my waist and speaking in my ear. "You should go vote, I'm technically not allowed to vote but you can." He said with a big smile on his face. "okay." I said before I stood up and went to join Angie at the voting box.

"Who are you voting for?" I asked walking up beside her. "Who do you think. My self!" she said with a laugh. "Oh look there's also a couples costume ballot form! Vote for me and Kevin!?" She asked holding out a form for me. "Okay!" I said grabbing it. I quickly filled out their names and what they were dressed as before stuffing it into the ballot box. "There you go!"

"Who are you going to vote for for best costume?" Angie asked excitedly looking at me questioningly.

"Well that depends. It's between me, you, and unfortunately Susan as I really like her costume." I said looking over at her.

"Yeah. Damn unfortunately she's killing that costume, I can't deny that." She said checking out Susan's costume. I grabbed a voting ballot and a pen and just wrote the first name that came to mind and shoved the ballot into the voting box before I turned around to walk with Angie back to where the guys were sitting. Unfortunately as soon as I turned around Malcolm was standing there waiting for me to turn around.

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