Chapter 10

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I like to think that I looked hot, but when I saw Joe's face it was confirmed. "Hello...." He said stunned. "You look amazing." He said when he was able to shake it off. "Thanks." I said blushing.

When we got to the club it hadn't opened yet and the employees were just arriving to get everything set up for the night. Joe showed me around the back area of the club, all of the behind the scenes sort of things.

When they were about to open Joe led me over to the VIP area to a table with bench seating. "So I have to run around and do a few things and don't want to completely ignore you. So I've set aside this table for us, I should only be about twenty minutes, order anything you want or Dance for a bit. I'll try to be quick." He said as I sat down. He waved over a waitress "Get her anything she wants." Joe said before leaving.

The tall leggy blonde waitress turned to me with a smile. "Hello! What can I get you? She said as she did a once over. I could tell from the look in her eyes that she thought that I was sleeping with her boss. "Cranberry vodka and soda water please." I said quickly hopping that she'd just go away, and fast. When I turned away from her to grab my phone from my bag she took the hint and left.

When I looked at my phone there was a text from Angela.

-Hey hows it going? Any more sparks? -Angie

I chuckled as I read her message.




I was just debating going to the dance floor when I saw Joe heading my way with a bottle and two glasses, "Hey, sorry about that, but now that I've dealt with everything we can have a few drinks!" He said setting the glasses down on the table before sitting down beside me. "Hi" I said with a small smile. "I brought us a bottle of prosecco. I hoped you'd join me in a glass." He said as he opened the bottle. "Of course I'd love a glass." I said probably a little too enthusiastically.

"Too a good night." He said after handing me a glass and we clinked glasses. The prosecco was delicious, cool and bubbly, it went down smoothly.

We talked and laughed through half of the bottle. It was turning out to be the best day ever. We started to feel the effects of the prosecco and it was making us a little silly. There was diffidently some mega flirting going on, some light touches and he wrapped his arm around to the back of the bench where I was sitting. We slightly leaned into each other as we spoke. It was so loud that we were inches apart as we spoke, at times whispering in each others ears.

It felt so good to see his smile grow as we talked and laughed with each other.

As we finished our glasses Joe leaned in to whisper in my ear. "Would you like to dance?" He asked. I could feel his breath tickle my ear as he spoke. I turned to look at him and nodded my head without thinking. When I looked him in the eyes I could see them sparkling. "Let's go!" He said before standing up. He brushed his hand along my back as I stood. Looking up at him I could see a smile on his face as he held out his hand for me.

I tried not to think and just move as thinking would just lead to me to freezing up as I brought my hand up and placed it into his. He closed his around mine and pulled me towards the dance floor.

I tried not to think and just act as thinking would just lead to me freezing up as I reached out my hand and placed it in his.  He closed his around mine and pulled me towards the dance floor.

I let myself relax as we started to dance and he pulled me in close to him as he started to move with me.  I'm an okay dancer on my own but whenever I dance with someone else I'm never sure what to do.  Thankfully for me Joe's a pretty good dancer and leads pretty well too.

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