I nodded. Minsoo hummed, “Now child, I need you to close your eyes.”

I did as she said, and she continued.

“I want you to listen to the voice in your head. I’m sure she’s talked to you before, yes?”

I nodded.

“Ok, just sit back and try to focus on the voice, and the energy around it.”

I took a deep breath and focused on the darkness inside my head. I sort of knew how to do this from little experiments I’ve done in the past few days. Once I was fully emerged into the darkness, I looked around, trying to sense maybe a speck of light. Not literally, but I was just trying to feel it. I listened as well, because occasionally my wolf would be calling out to me. And then I found it. My wolf was softly whispering to me, calling out my name. I did as the woman said, and focused on the energy around my wolf. I focused on the voice, calling out softly to me, as if it wanted to connect to me as well. I eventually pulled myself closer to my wolf by focusing on it as I did. It’s energy suddenly louder, not literally, and it’s soft whispering becoming more and more easy to hear. Soon, I felt the energy all around me, enveloping me. I took a little gasp of air as I felt just how powerful my wolf was. I then heard a voice from my head, but it wasn’t my wolf, and it definitely wasn’t coming from outside my head.

One thing you should know is that werewolves can communicate through their wolves, like how I’m speaking to you right now, without even opening my mouth.

Holy-” I said, not out loud.

This can be very useful during patrols and a bunch of other things that the pack has to do. But enough of that. You’ve obviously truly found your wolf, am I correct?”


Ok, what you need to do next is very important. Adult werewolves can transform at will, but you’re going to have to convince your wolf to let you transform until you get the hang of doing it like other werewolves can.

How…. how do I do that? Say please?”

“Hahahaha, not exactly. You have to think of transforming. You have got to know what you want to become. And then you have to accept your wolf further into your body. Let her absorb into you. Call you her name. You should know it by instinct, even if you have never said her name before.

I was slightly shocked with how my wolf actually had a name, and I didn’t know it before. Minsoo said I should know it by instinct though, and so I just went with it.

“... Humma?” I said, calling my wolf. I was caught by surprise when I realized that I really did know her name. I shook off the surprise as I kept calling out to her. It almost felt like calling out for a dog, which I found funny. Soon, I felt my wolf trying to enter me, and I tried to open myself up to the best of my abilities to let that happen.

Humma, let me transform.

It felt sudden, exciting. I probably felt excited because my wolf was really excited, but other than that, I couldn’t exactly described the feeling of my wolf merging with me all the way. We were whole. I stood frozen still. I was put into a little of a shock at what happened, and everything felt different. Like, REALLY different. I also kept my eyes tightly shut because I was mostly scared of opening them.

“Wow…” I heard Jimin say from behind me.

I also hear a chuckle from Minsoo.

“Darling, you can open your eyes now.” Minsoo said, giggling at how scared I probably looked.

    I took a deep breath, but it felt a lot different than usual. Slowly, I opened my eyes. I was surprised when I so I was actually shorter than usual. It was until I looked down at my paws when my dumb brain realized what had happened.

I tried to swear, but it just came out as a whimper/bark. Well, it looks like I can’t exactly speak English in wolf form. Which… would make sense, since I probably had the vocal cords of a wolf as well. I turned around, looking at my tail, test wagging it. Oh my god… I WAS ACTUALLY A WOLF!?!

I jumped around, barking in delight. I then ran to Jimin, jumping on him with my arms around his shoulders, licking him in excitement. I laughed loudly, trying to hold me up. I hopped off him so that I didn’t knock him over, and I stepped back, tongue lolling and tail wagging.

“Huh, you seem a lot smaller than other werewolves. How interesting?” Minsoo said, making me turn to her, “You’re a very pretty wolf, nonetheless.”

I wagged my tail harder at the compliment.

“Hmm, I think I have a large mirror in here, so that you can have a look at yourself properly.”

Minsoo got up and went to go grab a tall mirror on wheels. It looked a little heavy, so Jimin came over and helped her. I looked into the mirror, and smiled.

 I looked into the mirror, and smiled

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I felt like a true werewolf now.

I felt… complete.

FUCK. Sorry for the long wait. I really don't have an excuse, I haven't ever had a schedule for writing fanfics before. But worry not, I have three chapters already written and ready :333 also, I'm going to be posting a reference page and putting it in the front of the book. That way, you can see what I see when I write about the boys. Also, I'll update the reference page as the story goes :)

Thank you for reading, and so sorry again.

Fur and Claws (Werewolf!Jimin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now