New girl

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"Dont ask me what happened! I was there for a really short time!" Drake wailed. Caine looked at his face and snarled. "You're useless.",he said.

"What was I supposed to do? She shot me through the head... I cant do anything with half my brains spilling out!" He snapped. Drake got up and sighed. He turned around with such force the chair broke. Caine flinched."Why the hell had he sent Drake out on a mission if he was gonna be distracted by a girl? Bloody useless. Bloody useless."tought "Hey losers!" said Diana as she cheerfully waltzed into the room. She took a step back, blown away by the tension. She looked at Caine who stood there biting his thumb nail. Then she looked at Drake. His face was dark and grim.

"I heard Drakey has a cwushy-wushy!" She mocked. Still no reaction. "Wow. This girl must have been something real special" she said as she spun on her heel and walked over to Caine. "She was nothing. She just got in my way."sneered Drake.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2014 ⏰

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