Marriage (Part II)

Start from the beginning

Natalie listened to David's words from the hallway, tearing up as he spoke so fondly of her. She wanted to see him. She stepped out from around the corner and into the living room, David immediately looked up as she entered. Jason, knowing his job was done, silently got up from the couch and let himself out of the house. Neither David or Natalie noticed. It was silent for a few minutes, both of them looking into each other's eyes. Natalie spoke first. "I- I'm sorry I eavesdropped on you. It wasn't my place." David slowly got up and after pulling Natalie into a short hug, kissed her. Natalie happily kissed back. After a while they separated. "It's true, what I said," David whispered. "Every word. I love you, and I'm sorry for yelling at you before." Natalie nodded. "I love you too."

After kissing for a second time, they sat on the couch, wrapped in each other's arms, a comfortable silence surrounding them. David suddenly reached for his phone lying on the coffee table. "Again, I'm sorry about before. I'll cancel the wedding." Before his hand could reach his phone, it was stopped by Natalie's. David looked at her in surprise. "No," she whispered. "Don't cancel it." David gawked at her. "Natalie I- it was just for a vlog... us getting together changes everything. It's real now. It's too soon." Natalie looked at him. "David, what's a silly piece of paper going to change? We'll still be us and our relationship will stay the same. Everyone says we already act like a married couple anyway, why not prove them right?" David looked at her. "You mean, you want this to be real? Not just for the vlog?" Natalie blushed and slowly nodded. David stayed silent for a moment, thinking. Suddenly, he turned and looked at her with a smile. "Ok. Let's do it."

David got up off the couch and ran to his room, coming back with the black box that had held the ring he had bought Natalie. He had bought two matching rings for himself and Natalie in addition to the ones he bought Taylor for Christmas, to use for the wedding. That way his fans wouldn't suspect anything if they saw them wearing them. Normally the wedding rings would be different from the ring used to propose, but David and Natalie wanted to save money so they were just going to use the two. One for the "proposal," and later both for the wedding. David grabbed Natalie's hand and gently pulled the ring off her finger before putting it back into the black velvet box. He gently grabbed Natalie by the shoulders and pulled her up, making her stand. "Now," David started. "Let's do this properly." He got down on one knee. Holding the open box in his hands. "Natalie Mariduena, I love you, with all my heart. Will you marry me?" Natalie laughed, tears of joy already starting to form in her eyes. "Yes. Of course I will." She then helped him up and pulled him into a deep kiss.

The next few days were pretty hectic. David went to the hotel where Natalie's parents were staying, told them what happened, and that they wanted the marriage to be real. Natalie's dad approved saying "I couldn't ask for a better son in law." Next they had to call everyone they invited to tell them that the wedding was now the real deal which, of course, made everybody freak out. Liza in particular was ecstatic for them. She knew how David and Natalie's relationship was like and was just happy that David had finally found someone to call his. She was very happy for her friends. Now that the wedding was real and not fake, secrecy was more important than ever. Nobody was permitted to film at David's house, for fear that even a glimpse of wedding planning material would give it away. Even David had restricted his own vlogging to outside his house. The wedding plans weren't even allowed out of David's room, in case any fans showed up unannounced while they were going through it. Naturally, the fans got both really suspicious and excited about no one, not even David, filming at the house, thinking he was planning some massive announcement or surprise. If only they knew...

Luckily though, all went well and soon Natalie found herself fixing her veil, while Cassandra, one of her bridesmaids, applied some light makeup onto her face. Just then, David's mom and Mrs Nash walked into the room. "Natalie are you ready? It's almost ti- oh honey, you look beautiful!" David's mom gushed. Natalie blushed. "Thank you Mrs Dobrik." Mrs Nash reached out and took Natalie's hands in hers. "I'm so happy for you." Natalie laughed. "Thank you Mrs Nash." Mrs Nash smiled and hugged her.

David was both excited and nervous. Ever since they had agreed to get married for real things had been pretty hectic. He just hoped things went well. He was ripped from his thoughts by the sound of shuffling feet. Everyone invited had seated themselves and the people that were to be part of the wedding had gotten into position. Natalie's bridesmaids were Cas and Corinna. David's best men were Jason and Ilya.
But Jason wasn't there. As David looked around for his second best man, Ilya leaned over and explained the situation to him. David just smiled and nodded.

                  ——— EARLIER ———

Jason and Ilya quickly sped down the halls of the church. It was time to get to their positions. They passed Natalie and her dad on their way in but Jason was stopped by a hand on his shoulder. "Jason," Homer started. "Believe it or not, Natalie has told me a lot about you. How you take care of everyone in this group. How you've been somewhat of a father figure to her while she was with you guys, and for that, I am eternally grateful... I want you to take Natalie's other arm and hand her off with me." Jason, Natalie, and Ilya looked at him in surprise. "Dad..." Natalie whispered. She was awed. Jason started to tear up a little but he quickly blinked the tears away. He reached out and shook Homer's hand. "It would be an honor Mr. Mariduena."

Soon, everyone was in position, and as Natalie emerged, now being escorted by both Jason and her father, the great David Dobrik, for once, was utterly floored. The light shining through the church window and the silk white dress Natalie was wearing made her look like a goddess. She looked gorgeous. Even the other Vlogsquad members, both male and female, had trouble looking away. Natalie hugged her father and Jason, muttering a thank you to them as she was "handed off" to David. Jason quickly walked to his position next to Ilya, now fulfilling his role as one of David's best men.

NOTE: I am so sorry but I have no idea how wedding proceedings are like beyond this point and have no idea what to write for their vows, so please insert whatever you think is appropriate using your imagination. Now back to the story...

After saying their vows and I do's, the priest gave them permission to kiss. Normally it's supposed to be a short kiss, but as soon as their lips connected, sparks flew and they couldn't find it in themselves to separate. They melted into each other and kissed with all they had. The two were only brought back to reality by the sound of the priest clearing his throat. David and Natalie separated, both blushing. The priest raised an eyebrow at the unnecessarily long kiss but said nothing. His job done, he congratulated the newlyweds before walking off into a back room.

The wedding party was incredible and everyone had a great time. Mariah was especially happy as she had caught the bouquet of flowers thrown by Natalie, much to the amusement of Heath. David and Natalie didn't go anywhere special right away. They waited until David got his citizenship squared away before he finally took Natalie on a proper honeymoon. To Paris...

Two weeks after that, a video was posted to YouTube by a certain somebody. The title?
"I married my best friend!! NOT CLICKBAIT!!"

Guys, thank you so much for reading this two part series. I don't really write fanfics that much so I appreciate you taking time out of your day to read my little story. This isn't the end of the one shot book. I still might post if I get some inspiration for a new story. But until then, thank you and keep reading Datalie fanfics. :)

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