The Meme Shooting Bet

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As Leo started to moonwalk all the way to the middle, he carried a chaingun (he's strong to carry a weapon that heavy), and stopped.

"Prepare at 3", the AI said.

Then, out of nowhere, lots of androids carring paintguns started running to him, or took cover.

"The surprise.", Max said, "He's startled now."

"I can hear you, and no, I'm not startled!", Leo screamed.

Then, he started to turn around, and said, "360mlgnoscope!!!!!!!!" Bullets started to fly around everywhere.

"Looks like you lost the bet, that's not 360mlgnoscope because you didn't use a sniper!", Joey yelling at him, reaching for a  automatic sniper and 5 ammo clips each filled with 30 bullets, enough to let him survive, "Later I'll show you the real 370mlgnoscope."

"Are you sure that you will not fail using a sniper?", Colotte questioned Joey and Joey replied, "No."

Leo said, "This is the chaingun version!", and because he was distracted and didn't took cover when he was talking, he got shot in the head by a paintball, and went to the clinic to check if there is and fractures  in his skull. He came back drinking water and sitting on a bench.

"You shouldn't made the bet, because we won, and you should pay our food on our dinner", Joey said.

"I WAS DISTRACTED BY YOU!", Leo said, angered.

"Hey, cool down.", I said.

They were still shouting at each other.

"Hey.", I said, as my voice keeps of going up each time I repeated the same word.

They were still shouting like girls and finally I almost gave them a heartattack by shouting this:


"Sorry", Joey said, scraching his head. Leo forgave him and shook hands with him while saying, "The bet's still goes on". Glad that was over. Maybe they were scared. Maybe.

Joey walked to the middle and androids came the second he setted up the weapon. He spinned around and started to shoot anywhere. His first bullet gave an android a booming headshot, and he screamed, "360mlgnoscope!"

Once that was over, Max did a 420noscopeblazeit amd started running around, and shoots nonstop with his AK-47. Colotte did a one-shot kill and starts to shoot precisely on the head nonstop with her double revolver (she also brought a cowgirl hat just to give her a cowgirl spirit.)

What I did was the Matrix, dodging bullets and gave the androids a neckbreaker or a gunshot on the head once I did a sweep on their legs.

After that, we go around Metroland D.C, a better Washington D.C near the real Washington (it's just a expansion for a smart city project, kinda like ctOS in Watchdogs' Chigago, but with advanced city features and facilities, also better systems.) with our new jet, the Athena T-16, a combination of a figther jet and a stealth plane with enhanced capabilities. Luckily, the tablet taught me how to fly this jet.

What will they do next on Metroland D.C? Read along.

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