What the Tablet Said

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It said, "Welcome to SGTFA, an agency that...."

"I KNOW!", I shouted.

"When you come to the BrainBase, our nerve center, you will receive a WorkPhone, a phone specialised for your work and has some funcions you will need, a jumpsuit that is special because it has a smart sensor that cures your injuries and keeps you warm, field gear, guns and armor that includes a jetpack, spy suit,and a EXO suit aka the exoskeleton suit which doubles everything, starting from strength until sight, and has some crazy stuff inside."

"Wow. That is so much that even my brain can't handle the content and the AWESOMENESS!!!!", I shouted.

"You will be placed on Team 13 aka Athena Task Force, which includes..."

"Please keep as a surprise, ok?"

"Well, maybe I should just make it as a surprise. What is your degree?"

"Master of Robotics and Bachelor of Computer Science.", I said.

"You will get a Professor degree on Technology and some skills you will need."

"Great. Now, I need to study. COME ON!"

"No, you will get it in 3..."

"What are you doing?"


"Tell me, please!?!" while shaking the tablet.


"Oh, no"

Then, a flash came and I was knocked out fof a few minutes. After rising up, we arrived and I knew the things the tablet said.

It was the start in my military life.

What will happen after that? Read! (Or wait until tommorow if there's none)

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