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"And we're back with twin sisters, Demi and Devonne Lovato. Now Devonne, just to clear the air, I think that everyone in the room here including myself want to know why exactly you were hidden in the shadows for so long."

I took a deep breath and glazed my eyes over the large crowd.

"Well," I began, clearing my throat, "My family and I haven't always been so close, I guess, and since I have been well aware of my sisters star status for years I simply wanted to refrain from bringing.. attention.. to myself and to my daughter."

The man gave me a small smile and laughed softly.

"Kind of like what's been happening for the last few weeks, right."

I nodded my head in reply and shifted in the small chair.

I was pressed right up against Demi's side and while I did love my sister, she was still a stranger to me and she always would be.

"And Demi, why didn't you ever come out and say that you have three sisters and not two?"

"Devonne has and always will be my sister, but at the time she obviously didn't want to be exposed like that and that's been her business and not mine."

I used that time to finally look over at Demi to find a sad smile on her lips.

The man on the couch opposite to the two of us nodded and rested his chin in his hands.

"I only have one more question for you girls today.. Now that all of this is out in the open, can we expect more of Devonne in the future?"

Before I could even open my mouth Demi had already answered for me.



It was the drive back to the house that Demi had finally decided to speak to me directly.

We were on different sides of the limousine, my head pressed against the window with my eyes shut and Demi with her legs crossed, peering down at her phone.

"You can't just go back to your old life after this, Devonne. We just got you back."

I shrugged my shoulders, "Nobody was too concerned about us when we tried to leave last week."

"Yes we were. At least I was."

"I find that hard to believe."

"Really? If you forget, I'm the one who reached out to you when I wrote that letter."

At this my eyes opened.

"I never asked you to."

"You didn't need me to. I just... I want us to be a family again. You're my sister."

I scoffed and shook my head, "Wake up, Demi. We were never a family. You know that they say that DNA doesn't make a family, love does. You all never loved me. Love is supposed to be unconditional. You're not supposed to throw out your loved ones onto the streets and not bother to check up on them. You all forgot about me, Demi. You never cared."

I was surprised at myself for spilling my guts out like that, but also relieved that I managed to say everything in a rather calm voice and didn't get over emotional like usual, unlike Demi who had tears threatening to spill out of her eyes.

"But.. We're sisters," she whimpered, "That wasn't us, Devonne. You can't pin what mom and dad did on us."

"It may have been mom and dad but it's not like you all ever even bothered to get into contact with me until now. I needed you, Demi. I was only fifteen years old and didn't understand what was happening to my body," my voice cracked, "I felt so used and dirty, and instead of being there for me, you all left me stranded, and no matter what any of you do I will always resent you for that."

At that point my façade had been broken down, and instead of trying to hide my emotions like before I allowed my eyes to reveal the pain I had been hiding.


a/n- i have no idea what i'm doing with this story anymore, so please forgive me for this shit i call a chapter, any time skips that may or may not happen soon and/or if I decide to end this story earlier than expected.

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