The Strange Boy from Oak Shire

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Adjusted image to make it mobile-friendly. Glad to be back on board. Happy reading.

Link and Navi were going to get caught.

It all went so well until they found themselves trapped by a tree on the castlegrounds of Hyrule Castle. They found a secret passageway that helped them move past the gate where the Hyrule solider stood. Link and Navi snuck through the grounds, hiding in bushes and behind large boulders the soldiers didn't think to check. 

None of the men knew that a boy and his fairy were wandering on the royal estate. Their eyes were looking for bigger threats, for enemies that could hurt them if nothing else.

Soon, Link and Navi hid beneath a tree that cast a large shadow on the grassy surface of the grounds. It gave off a good amount of shade, but it wasn't nearly enough to hide them in daylight. 

They were still out of the soldier's sight lines because the tree rested on a hill separate from where the soldiers stood. They were busy looking at other places, staring out and thinking no one snuck past them. Then, Link stepped on a branch. 

Navi gasped from the shock of her charge causing such a sound, then realized that she made a mistake too. She clamped her hands over her mouth, but it was too late. The soldiers started a hushed conversation amongst themselves.

"Something is over the hill," said one of the soldiers. Link could see the tops of their helmets, slowly rising up the incline. In quick stride, Link ran around to the other side of the tree, which had a trunk large enough to hide sight of his body. He heard the soldiers' heavy footsteps approaching the tree and thought he was safe when the steps paused.

"I don't see anything," said one soldier.

"Me neither," said another. "But let's just be safe. I'm going to search this area and ensure that we're still alone..."

Link's heart pounded. The soldier was on the verge of finding him and Navi. He wasn't sure what would happen if he found himself getting dragged back to the gate where the first soldier stood. It could mean a punishment for him. Link closed his eyes in anticipation of what would happen next...

Link and Navi's conversation with the strange boy didn't go so well. They were still trying to understand how he knew about them before he even met them. While stunned by his knowledge and presence, the strange boy suddenly glanced at Navi and took a step back.

"What are you?" the strange boy asked, pointing at Navi.

"Who," Navi murmured. "Who am I? I'm Navi."

"You're tiny."

Navi's big blue eyes shifted back and forth, as if she thought other were watching. "...OK?"

 "And you have wings."


"You're...a FAIRY!"

"...And I guess we ran into the world's smartest boy. Don't you think, Link?" 

The strange boy bent his neck and raised an eyebrow. "You look very weird for a fairy. You're like...Tinkerbell from Peter Pan after she fell in blue paint."

Navi went stiff. Her wings stopped flapping as her feet collided with Link's shoulder, causing a faint thud.

"I'm weird?" she echoed, her voice suddenly sharp. "And 'Tinkerbell?' What's a 'Tinkerbell?'"

The strange boy scratched his head. "It's what you are."

"Is that an insult? I think you insulted me..."

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