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DESCRIPTION: Emily decides to take Michelle's offer and has one last moment at the studio. (Post Season 7) (Emily Centric)
ZUG: To move.

a/n We've finally reached the end and I can't thank you guys enough for your support! Comment what you'd like to see in part 4 - which will be coming out in a couple of weeks. In the meantime I'll be doing some things in my miscellaneous book - some TNS related things as well as other things. Again, thank you for all the support, and I'll see you with part 4 in the coming weeks.

Emily's POV

Today is my last day in town before I leave with Michelle to go on tour. I still had some things left at the studio, so I had Nick move it all to Studio 1 so that I could pack while he distracted the team for long enough that I wouldn't have to see them: it'd be too hard to say goodbye if I saw their faces full of disappointment. They had looked up to me for so long: I can't imagine how they are doing (how Nick is doing) without me in the studio.

I bet he's got them doing duets!

I laugh to myself, remembering the time we hosted alternate auditions. Nick had been adamant that we had duets as a part of the auditions - the amount of times I had to remind him that that's not how we do things was shocking.

I don't know what he'll do without me.

I finish putting the lid on the box of my belongings. There wasn't much. Most of what had been in my office during my time were either Michelle's, Nick's, or the studios. As long as I had my highlighters and my photo frames, I'd be happy to leave everything else to Nick and the studio.

One last look around Studio 1 reminds me of why I returned: I wanted to not only better myself, but the team - especially after they lost Regionals. Never did I expect to end my time here the way I am. I'm leaving to go on tour with my former enemy, and while I - we - did lead the team to Regionals success, I won't be here to lead them (whichever team Nick decides on) to Nationals and Internationals. It's this that makes me question whether I should be leaving - they need me and I'm leaving them when I matter most; when I'm needed the most.

Things are falling apart among the teams, but instead I'm leaving Nick with the cleanup while I run away with Michelle to start a tour. I feel like the old me - doing everything for myself instead of the team.

But Nick did say he could handle things - I'm just not sure if he was aware of the mess he would be returning to...nothing could ever prepare him for a civil war. I've been through that, however, and I could be there to help. But I'm not. I'm leaving to go on tour with Michelle - the right move for my career: or so I've been told.

And as I round the corner to Studio A, I take a peek inside and see the team is doing just fine without me. Richelle and Summer look like they're on good terms now - lucky Nick. Lily and Kingston are having another argument (Ozzy seemingly commentating the whole scenario), but I won't worry because they always get back together. Kenzie and Heath are sitting at one of the benches watching videos on their phone, something I want to tell them off for but I no longer have that authority - that's Nick's job. Amy and Henry are running around like headless chickens - something they used to do before everything went downhill when Riley was in charge. Maybe things are getting back to normal. And, of course, in the corner of the studio - in front of the mirrors - Finn and Piper sit shoulder to shoulder talking to each other and having a laugh.

I'm glad to see that the team will be fine without me and that I've had an impact on the team. I have to remind myself that I brought both Summer and Richelle back when they need the team the most; I let Lily join the team because it was the right thing to do; Michelle and I put Amy back on the team after Regionals; it was also Michelle and me who teamed up to get Finn and Piper together in every situation: the duets, prom...it was all us.

Gee, I could pat myself on the back for what I have accomplished for each individual with my time here - but that might be selfish: both Michelle and Nick have also had a lasting impact on the team - it was definitely not a one-man job.

"Hey," I feel a presence behind me and a hand on my shoulder. "Are you ready to go?" I turn around and see Michelle. I don't know how long she had been standing there, but I assume long enough to gauge my hesitance to leave the team that I had formed with both her and Nick.

"I think so." 

Michelle takes the box out of my hands as I take one last look at the place I used to call home: The Next Step.

I nod as if to thank the studio for all the opportunities it has offered me: after all, I wouldn't have Michelle by my side if it wasn't for TNS.

Before I turn around, Nick walks towards his office and notices me. I give him a small wave and he salutes me: the same way he did when we said goodbye at Dancemania.

He can handle this change, and so can I.

"Come on. Let's go." 

I follow Michelle away from Studio A and towards my future. But The Next Step will always be my home and I will be back.

"Don't worry," Michelle reassures me. "It's not goodbye. It never is."

Of course it's not goodbye, it's see you later.

Even if it takes weeks, months or years to return, Michelle and I will be back - maybe not as studio heads - and we will be here for the team when they call on us. The Next Step will always be my home: anytime I'm needed, I'll be here.

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