A Little Help-Nochelle & Micheldon

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a/n hey guys, I'm back with a third installment of the 'TNS A-Z One Shot' series. Don't forget to vote on the chapters you enjoy and comment below a chapter when you wish to request a couple or idea.

Thank you for continuing this journey with me, and I hope you enjoy this book just as much as the last two.

DESCRIPTION: Noah and Eldon (brothers) give each other advice (talk) about their relationships with Michelle and Richelle respectively.
SHOUTOUT: XxM_StoriesxX (came up with the idea)

It was a Saturday afternoon that Eldon and Noah found themselves in the lounge room of their home, sitting on the couch while their parents were out. The two brothers had been playing a video game, but when the power went out, they were left with a black screen facing them and the light from the loungeroom window acting as their only source of light.

With nothing else to do, Eldon and Noah sat in awkward silence with the only sounds being their breathes and the occasional cars that passed by their house.

Sick of the silence, Eldon figured someone had to start talking – that someone being him.

"So..." Eldon started playing with his hands while he stared straight ahead at the blank television in front of him. "You and Richelle."

This sparked a reaction from Noah who sat up a little straighter in his seat. "What about us?" Why did his brother care for his relationship? He never had the urge to pester him about his relationship with Michelle.

"Nothing, nothing, I just noticed you two in the juice bar the other day after training."

After A Trope finished one of their trainings, Noah had left as soon as he could while Eldon stayed back to pack up his things and talk to Michelle.
On his way out of the building, however, he had walked past Hildalgos and noticed his brother and Richelle sitting facing each other (an intense look on each of their faces) while they drank juices and shared (Eldon assumed) a slice of chocolate cake.

Ever since seeing that encounter, Eldon had wanted to talk to Noah about it, but with all the training they had for internationals, he never quite got the time – but now was his perfect opportunity.

"What'd you see?" To Eldon, it sounded like Noah was worried that his brother had seen something he shouldn't have, and this made him wonder: what had he missed?

"Nothing much." Noah seemed to relax a little with this comment, slouching back down into his previous position. From this Eldon knew there was something his brother wasn't telling him, and he was going to find out. "Just you two sharing a cake."

"Good." Noah said completely relaxed now knowing that his brother didn't see what had happened between himself and Richelle that day.

"And that look the two of you were giving each other," Eldon mentioned laughing internally as he watched his brother jump up beside him.

"What look? I didn't see a look." Noah said defensively, Eldon assumed he had no idea what he was saying.

"Of course you didn't see it, you just saw Richelle." And that's when Eldon copped a cushion to the face. "Hey! What was that for?"

"Mind your own business," Noah said aggressively, although both of them knew he was playing. "What about you and Michelle, huh?"

Eldon was a little caught out for a second before he retaliated, "mind your own business."

Eldon knew that Noah knew about Michelle. They had flirted so often in class that only a blind man wouldn't notice their relationship. It had especially picked up after everything Michelle went through with her parents' divorce.

Noah knew he had to throw a bait. "C'mon. I'll tell you what happened between Richelle and I if you tell me what's going on between you and Michelle." Noah had caught him: hook, line and sinker.

"Fine. I'll tell you, but if you don't live up to your side of the bargain, just you wait..." Eldon said threateningly, balling his hand into a fist jokingly.

Noah nodded, telling his brother to get on with his story.

"So, you know, we dated last year but Hunter came along and ruined that." Eldon would have continued, but his brother cut him off.

"Why did he ruin it for you, again."

"That stupid dance battle," Eldon said with a hint of anger. Although things were all good with both Hunter and Michelle now, that dance battle had pushed his and Michelle's relationship off-course for quite some time. "But anyway. After Hunter left not too long ago, we decided to give us a try again."

Noah seemed flabbergasted at his brother, "seriously?"


"Some guy is the only reason you two didn't talk, and as soon as he leaves it's fine?"

Eldon shook his head. That wasn't the only reason. "I think it was when Michelle needed someone by her side during her parents' divorce that things really started to pick up. Your turn."

Noah seemed taken aback. He didn't expect his brother would take so little time to talk about him and Michelle that he hadn't prepared something to say about him and Richelle.

"Well...um, you see..."

But Eldon knew enough.

"Yeah, yeah. You two have been best friends for forever and now you're old enough to date and kiss and la-de-da."

"Basically. But why did you want me to say something about it if you already knew what was going on?"

Eldon shook his head as a small laugh escaped his lips. "You should know the brotherly instinct. I just wanted you to admit your feelings."

"I did. Long ago."

"Oh from that look you gave Richelle it must've been long long ago." Eldon picked, teasing his brother – which didn't get him much in return...except for a pillow to the face. "Hey!"

Even when the power came back on, the brothers continued to hit each other with the cushions, their video game long forgotten – along with the topic of their girlfriend's.

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