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DESCRIPTION: Heath is going on a group date with Richelle, but does Izzy realise that the other girl means nothing?

Heath's POV

Ever since my encounter with Izzy in Studio 1 during the power outage, it's been hard to catch up with her again - especially with Oswald following our every move.

She always comes up during our bro days, whether it's someone asking Oswald how she is or asking about our relation - which hasn't progressed, thanks to Ozzy.

Every time we plan on catching up at The Next Steep, one of us always has a last-minute training, or our one of our parent's come and pick us up.

So, as much as I do want to spend more time with Izzy and see where our relationship could go, something always stops anything from happening.

Oswald always finds it convenient to bring up Izzy when I'm around - clearly suspicious of the two of us - but I just have to put on a front and pretend her name doesn't affect me.

But it does.

Whenever her name is brought up, I can't help but want to smile - but not in front of Oswald...he'd probably try to kill me if he saw the effect his little sister was having on his teammate.

Henry and Finn have told me to just go for it and talk to Izzy, despite the consequences. But I feel like Ozzy will find out if we see each other.

Plus, I can't help but think if we see each other again, we might end up dating - then things on the team would be rough between Oswald and I. And the team does not need any dramas - especially since most of the relationship drama among the team has fixed itself.

I've been brought into the drama with this group date, one that I have to go on with Richelle - but I'd rather not go with her: I'm only doing it to annoy Oswald.

Truth be told, if I had the choice, I'd be going on this date with Izzy. But she's not on A-Troupe, and this is an "A-Troupe only" date.

And then I saw her. She was walking away from The Next Steep as I was walking towards it, but she seemed to be in a hurry.

"Hey. Izzy!"

She stops just as our paths cross and she puts on a smile.

"Hey Heath. What are you doing?"

"Going on a date."

Suddenly that smile of her's drops from her face. But before I can question the change in reaction, she's quick to smile again.

"Oh. With who?"

I don't want her to get the wrong idea, but I guess I have to tell her.



"For a group date! An A-Troupe group date!"

Maybe she'll connect the dots and realise why I'm going on the date now.

"I didn't know you liked Richelle."

So maybe I wasn't clear enough.

"No. No. God no." I tell her. "We're only going because Richelle doesn't want to miss out and I was the only person not busy tonight."

"So, you don't like her?"

I grab her hand, which had hung by her side. I needed to reassure her.


I couldn't like Richelle. I already had Izzy, whether she understood that or not.

Then, a proper, real "Izzy smile" appears on her face.



After the date, which didn't go as well as what it should've, I went into Studio 1 to clear my head and chill out. But when I got there, someone else was already there. Izzy.

She was doing a solo, and it was so cool to see her dance alone. Sure, I loved dancing with her, but I couldn't see her dance when we danced together. Now I could.

"That was awesome."

She smiles - again with the smile - and goes to sit down on the seat, which I am quick to sit down on straight afterwards.

"How'd the date go?"

I sigh. "It was horrible."

She laughs. I'm sure there are a million scenarios running through her head at the moment. 

"What happened?"

"Well first, Henry and Amy ditched us - even though they were the one's who planned the date - and then Lily and Kingston kept arguing about anything they could, Piper and Finn were okay - but they can't keep their eyes off each other, so they were too distracted to care for the rest of the group."

"And what about you and Richelle?"

"She was lots of fun, surprisingly. But I think I'll leave her for Oswald."

Izzy laughs, clearly knowing how in love her brother was with Richelle. But then she stops. A seriousness coming over her face.

"And who does that leave you with?"

Was she kidding, or had I just been too vague before?


She smiles again and this time it's her who grabs my hand.


Maybe she had known about my feelings and was just waiting for me to say something. I could've been on a date with her tonight if I hadn't...psshh, I'm not scared of Oswald. Of course I'm not...

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