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DESCRIPTION: Noah admits to his crush on James (AU)

A/N Hey guys. Hope you are enjoying all these updates. Don't forget to comment couples you'd like to see me write about in later chapters, and let me know your thoughts on this chapter.

Noah's POV

I don't know what it is about him, but there's something that I just find so attractive.

Maybe it's the way he looks - his grown out hair making him look that much better.
Maybe it's the way he dances, something I've looked up to for so long...maybe that's what started this whole thing.
Or it could just be his personality - his willingness to do whatever for the people he cares about: like Riley.

Maybe if it wasn't for Riley, if it wasn't for the fact that this is the first time the two of us have been on a team together, we would have started something - something in which he'd feel the same way.

But he doesn't.

The way I look at him is the way he looks at Riley. His love for her is always going to be there through thick and thin - he will never love another...especially not me.

I'm just Noah. A guy. Hell, I don't even know if he has an attraction towards guys let alone me, yet here I am hoping for a one day...

Maybe in an alternate universe we would be together. I would've made A-Troupe with him long ago and Riley would like someone else.

It would've been me that James went with to pick up the costumes for Regionals. It could've been him and me having our first date in Studio A, taking me all over the world because he knows that's my dream. Beth would have been jealous of ME, surely confused how James went from her to a guy like me.

It could've been me who he fought for after his kiss with Beth - sure, I would've been upset but he'd fight to save our relationship. I sure wouldn't be making him do that stupid list unlike Riley - It'd just be little things he could do to fix us, maybe just a talk. It would've also been us kissing on stage at Nationals after competing in the duet round together - I don't know what that duet would look like, but I'm sure there would be reciprocated feelings enough for something to work.

I'd have to go up against him in the battles against Elite, however. He'd probably sacrifice his spot for me - I'd hate him for that. Then I'd be the one to bring him back to the team, because I know he'd deserve Internationals just as much as me - if not more. I might've hung out with him and the band - I know how to sing and play an instrument or two, that would really bring us closer together. Ella might have gotten between us, like she did for James and Riley - but I wouldn't be petty, I'd do what ever was necessary to make sure our relationship didn't sour. Maybe I'd also have the International male solo over Eldon. James would tell me how good I am and I'd believe him enough to fight for the solo. James and I would also have the tie-breaker duet, a bittersweet moment after his decision to stay with the band.

I'm not sure how long I'd be on A-Troupe after that, because although James and I would talk everyday it may not feel enough. I know he'd push me to stick with the team until after Regionals, and I would. But I'd hate that, because we would still lose. But that's okay, I'd probably have an offer to be apart of a dance company, and James would support me the whole way. He would give me the promise ring to assure me that we'd be forever.

And then we might come back to The Next Step every so often, just so he can visit Piper - maybe he'd be over-protective about her and Finn, but I'd calm him down assuring him that Finn was a great guy: the perfect guy for Piper.

And he'd listen to me, because I know best (according to him). Piper and I would get along really well after the time we had spent on A-Troupe together - we'd be best friends and she'd tell me all about her and Finn, who would've gotten together a lot sooner and with less drama.

Maybe one day James and I would move in together, get married, adopt a kid or two. Or we'd do things a little differently, because we always have.

But, for now I'll just have to dream on because I know that him and Riley are forever and he'd never see me the way in which I see him.

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