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DESCRIPTION: Noah visits Henry and the studio while on tour.
WHAT TO READ: Book 2: The Reason Why & Book 3: Only You

Henry's POV

"And don't forget," Nick stops us before we get the chance to leave Studio A. "We have our guest choreographer coming tomorrow, so don't be late." Directing his eyes to Finn.

While the rest of the team hasn't been told who's coming tomorrow, I know who it is. Noah couldn't keep his mouth shut as soon as he was asked to come to visit the team - luckily I can, or else Noah's visit wouldn't be much of a surprise after all.

"He won't be late," Piper promises Nick looking up at Finn.

Either he'll be late, or Piper will be dragging him in by his perm tomorrow morning while he is still trying to wake up - there is no in-between for Finn.

"Thank you, Piper." Nick then hurries us along, making sure we are all out of the studio before he heads to his office.

"I wonder who the guest is," Presley says while she opens up her locker and starts packing her bag up.

"I hope it's someone who knows us," Jude says sitting down on the bench. I assume she wants someone who knows about her dyslexia and won't judge her for having trouble picking up choreo because of it.

Luckily, I have told Noah about Jude's dyslexia and he sounded very understanding. He asked me about Piper's anxiety - just in case she didn't want a front-row spot - and while she's getting better, I'm sure she'd be happy with any spot.

"As long as it isn't someone who doesn't know us new guys, or else there will be favourites," Heath says before closing his locker, picking up his bag and walking out.

"I just want someone who won't care that I'm late," Finn says picking up his bag and leaning against his locker.

"Oh, that'll be the least of your worries if you show up late tomorrow." Piper glares at him, which makes me laugh. Piper is the only one who can intimidate Finn which always makes for interesting conversations.

"Bring it," Finn says before running out of the locker room, Piper soon hurrying after him.

"Oh, boy." Kenzie sighs. "I hope they aren't like that tomorrow. See ya." She's next to leave, and I'm soon to pick up my bag and head off too.

Luckily I know that it's Noah coming tomorrow and that he won't care for a little banter. We're his family: it's normal for us to have fun as a team - he'll understand.


The next morning, I decide to get to the studio early so I can hopefully see Noah before the rest of the team.

When I'm finished in the locker room, I grab my bag and hurry down the hall to Studio A. When I get there I see Noah and Nick sitting in the office laughing at something. Not wanting to interrupt, I sit on one of the benches in front of the cubbies and unpack my bag, putting everything into my cubbie.

Just as I'm finishing putting my bag down, I hear the door to the office open and a pair of arms wrap around my arms.


I turn and smile when I see Noah before putting my arms around his neck. "Hey."

But before we can kiss, Nick steps out of his office clapping his hands together.

"I see you two have met before."

I laugh before putting my head down.

Nick knows exactly what Noah and I are, the team has mentioned our relationship enough for Nick to understand.

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