"Well, the team is going to be here in a few minutes, so finish getting 'acquainted' and get ready to be bombarded by the team."

Nick heads off, probably down to The Next Steep to grab a tea and scone, and Noah and I decide to pull apart to that the team will be surprised when they see that their guest choreographer is Noah.


"Alright, so in the back row we have; Jude, Lily, Finn and Piper."

Noah and Nick were telling us who was going to be in what line for the routine he was choreographing, and I'm not surprised with that backline. While I know Piper is a much better dancer than back row, she and Noah sat down and talked about where she'd be more comfortable being: I guess that was her choice.

"And then in the middle row we'll have; Heath, Henry, Kenzie and Presley."

I'm actually really happy about the middle row. I don't have to be relied on to get choreo right, but I'm also not out of sight from the judges - it's a win-win for me.

"And that means our front row will be: Amy, Richelle, Summer and Kingston."

I know how excited Amy will be with a front-row spot - this is the reason she left the team before Regionals, so at least I know that she won't be leaving us any time soon.

"I've chosen these spots not only based on your solo work, but also your confidence levels."

The way Noah has chosen this way and has taken the time to speak to each dancer individually, really proves how good of a leader he is. Who knows, maybe one day he could be studio head of The Next Step - along with Nick, because he's an honorary Bro.


After practice, Noah and I decide to go out for lunch. I let him invite Piper since they are such close friends, and of course, Finn is tagging along with her.

Although it would be nice to spend some time alone with Noah before he leaves, I know how much his friendship with Piper means to him, so I'm not going to stop him from seeing the people he wants to see when he's got the time.

Maybe I'll just have to wait until we head home to have a proper talk with him...


The "double date" was a lot of fun, even though there was only supposed to be two of us going - not four.

"That was a good time," Noah tells me as he closes the front door of his apartment and falls on to the couch a couple of feet away. "But I am so full."

I follow his lead, but instead, I sit up next to him and comb through his hair. "Yeah. Same."

"What's up?" He asks as he lets his eyes to close.

"Nothing." Noah opens his eyes and looks up at me, apparently suspicious about my comment. "It's just, I want to spend as much time with you before you leave."

This comment makes Noah sit up, and my hand drops to my side.

"That's what I've been meaning to talk to you about."

Great. He's probably going to tell me this whole long-distance thing isn't working out and that we're just better off as friends.


Noah sighs and pushes his hand through his hair - something he only does when something is bothering him.

"I'm leaving the touring company."

Why would he do that?

"I thought you still had months to go. Why leave now?"

"I've been offered something better."

What could be better than touring worldwide with your dream dance company? I couldn't imagine Noah enjoying something more than he enjoys that.


He laughs. "Actually, at the studio."

Wait. Is he telling me--

"I'm going to start working alongside Nick as a co-studio head."

That's why he came in today.

"Today was a bit of a test run - to see if I still had the passion towards the team and the studio."

"And I'm assuming your verdict is yes?"

Noah nods, smiles appearing on both of our faces.

"But wait," I let the smiling match stop. "What's this got to do with us?"

Noah stops smiling too and decides to look down at his hands instead. Then he mumbles.

"I was thinking you could move in with me?"

I'm shocked. I mean, it's not illegal - I am eighteen, after all. But I'm still surprised that this was the thing he was more worried about telling me.

"Of course I'd want to move in with you, Noah."

And that's when he looks up and our smiles return.

"I love you." He tells me before grabbing both of my cheeks and pulling me in for a kiss.

Noah's new job and my line placement: this could just be the best day of my life - and now Noah and I moving in together is just the cherry on top.

Maybe we are meant to be.

The Next Step A-Z One Shots 3✓Where stories live. Discover now