Chapter 37: Forever & Always

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I woke up with Scorpius's arm draped over my body as he lied on his stomach. I rolled over underneath his arm to check the clock beside me and was pleased to see that I woke up right on time. And still, I didn't want to leave this bed.

I poked Scorpius a few times until he finally woke up. "Just a few more minutes," he mumbled into my hair. 

"I have to go help Laura," I told him. 

"Why?" he whispered, his breath warm on my neck. 

"She's getting married today, remember? And I want to be there for her."

He mumbled something I couldn't understand, and his grip around my waist tightened. He was making it very difficult for me to get up out of this bed and leave him. But I forced myself to anyway. I kissed him and then got up, readjusting the blankets over him as he dozed off to sleep again. 

I stepped out of the room and apparated to the Burrow in my pajamas. I had brought everything I would need for the day here last night and only came home to sleep. 

I thought I was early, but once I arrived at the Burrow and saw that it was packed with people, I felt a wave of excitement rush through me. 

I rushed up the stairs in my oversized t-shirt before too many could see me so underdressed. I reached Aunt Ginny's old room, where Laura stayed last night, and knocked lightly on the door. She opened it before I could even finish my knocking.

"Rose, thank Merlin you are here I'm freaking out," she said frantically as she grabbed my arm and pulled me into the room, shutting the door behind her.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Well nothing's wrong yet, but I'm scared it will be, I'm scared about it all and I don't know why I thought I wouldn't care so much but I do and it's so overwhelming and-"

She stopped herself once I grabbed her by the arms. "Breathe," I said. She had managed to say all that without getting in one breath, but now she met my eyes and the two of us took a deep breath together.

"Nothing is going to go wrong," I reassured her. "And even if it does, me, or Jenny, or Lily, or someone else will stop it before you even know about it, okay? Today is your day."

"Okay," she let go of my grasp and started pacing around the room. "Have you seen James yet?"

I shook my head and pointed down to my clothes, or lack thereof. "I just woke up."

"Okay, well, do you think you could check on him for me? And then come back here and help me get ready because I am definitely going to need your help."

"Of course. You're the boss."

"Thank you."

Before leaving I kissed her on the cheek. I don't know what it was but I was feeling very loving today. Probably the whole wedding thing.

I found a pair of sweatpants from one of the other rooms and put them on, not even bothering to find out whose they were. Then I apparated to James's flat just like Laura had asked. 

Once I got there, I had to wake him up. I couldn't really blame him much. It was still early and he didn't require much time to get ready, but still, I couldn't understand how he could stay asleep when he had such a big day ahead of him. 

I even made him breakfast after he got up. He sat at the counter to eat. "How are you feeling?" I asked him. 

"Good, I think. Nervous?"

"Yeah, I'd imagine so."

"I really want to see her. I know I can't, but I still want to."

"It's only a few more hours until you can."

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