Chapter 36: Hen Party

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"I suppose you've got a whole weekend planned," Fred asked me while standing in the doorway to James and Laura's room, in which a few of us were hanging out. Laura was packing her things for our hen party weekend, even though she still didn't know where we were going yet.

"I supposed you do as well?" I answered Fred.

"Yes, we do." He smirked and looked toward James.

"It's going to be awesome, you'll never hear the end of it," James said.

"Oh, isn't that just great," Laura rolled her eyes and grinned my way. 

"Don't do anything too stupid," Lily chimed in. "Remember you still want Laura to marry you after this."

"I'll be careful Lils." He smiled. "Don't worry, I'm sure Hugo will keep me in check right Hugh?" Hugo nodded and then rolled his eyes when James looked away. I attempted to hide my laugh.

I found my way to the living room after seeing that Scorpius wasn't in his room. I found him sitting on the couch, while Poppy sat asleep in his lap, thumb in her mouth.

He found my eyes and smiled. "We were playing and then she tired herself out," he told me. I could see the pride in his eyes as he sat there with her. 

"You look adorable," I thought out loud. His soft grin transformed after I said that. I slipped onto the couch and leaned on his free shoulder. He reached his arm around me.

"Do I?"

"Actually, I was talking about Poppy," I teased. "But I guess I can include you too."

"Thank you for thinking of me."

"Of course."

"Is everyone still in Laura's room?"

I nodded. "They're just talking now."



After I got out of work on Friday, Jenny, Lily, Emma, Laura and I left for our weekend getaway. We took a portkey, which brought us to an empty lawn. There wasn't much to see from our initial arrival point, but I could tell by the warmer weather that we were in Spain.

Once we found our way to the streets and into the city, we couldn't bring our feet to stop, they carried us to see as much as we possibly could. 

We spent what we had of daylight left visiting shops, markets, getting food, and laughing as we walked down the cobblestone street. After a nice dinner at an outdoor restaurant, we checked in to our hotel.

The woman at the desk found it odd that we didn't have big suitcases. The five of us had used extendable enchantments to our bags so that they would be easier to carry. But I wasn't about to explain that the Spanish muggle woman. 

I booked us two rooms that were connected by one door. Lily, Jenny and I took one room, Laura and Emma the other. After settling in a bit, Laura came bursting into our room and jumped onto the bed I was currently sitting on. 

"This is amazing!" She exclaimed, hugging a pillow. "We have to go out tonight. Are we going out tonight?" She was asking me since I was the one who planned this whole thing. And knowing Laura, I had planned specifically for this.

"Yes, we are," I told her. "I found a club we can go to that's supposed to be popular around here."

She frowned. "What if they don't let us in?"

"They will," I assured her. 

We took our time getting ready for the night. Lily and Emma both took naps before getting ready themselves. Jenny was looking through a Spanish dictionary. Then we started to do our makeup together.

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