Chapter 34: Don't Give Up

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Luigi managed to catch Mario's limp body as he fell to his knees. Luigi quickly yet gently flipped Mario onto his back as his head was in his hands. Mr.L and Oiram were standing six feet apart watching in small concern. Luigi laid Mario's head in his hand, his sleeping expression being blank. He looked down at the wound, but instead of blood...there was a black substance. He put his hand on the wound, trying to stop more of it from leaking out as he struggled to hold back a sob.

"M-Mario...?" Luigi put his head against his chest, trying to listen for a heartbeat...

There was nothing...

"No..." Luigi shook his head in disbelief. "N-No...! P-Please! Mario!" He began to shake his shoulders rapidly as if he was shaking a doll.


There was no answer from Mario's limp form, not even a groan or a twitch from his hand. Luigi still continued to shake him, but no matter how long he's been doing it, or how hard, he still wouldn't get an answer. Mr.L and Oiram both looked at each other in sympathy. Even when Mario was dead, they still couldn't risk Luigi hurting his body. They both walked over to him...and Mr.L grabbed both of Luigi's wrists in a strong grip as he pulled him away from Mario. Luigi struggled to break free.

"L-LET ME GO!" Luigi exclaimed, still struggling to break free from his grip. "H-HE'S NOT DEAD! LET GO OF ME MR.L!"

"Luigi! Remember what Eldstar said? If someone dies in this wish you have to accept their death! Mario's gone and he's not coming back!" He exclaimed.

"NO! HE'S NOT!" Luigi exclaimed continued to struggle. Oiram knelt down beside Mario and he put two fingers against his neck...Oiram couldn't feel a pulse either and he shook his head at the duo. However, Mr.L gasped a little seeing dark flames began to engulf Oiram's fingertips. Luigi stopped struggling seeing Oiram like this, but he still had tears running down his eyes.

"Would you look at that..." Oiram muttered as he looked at his hands, the flames beginning to engulf his arms. "He really is gone."

"W-What's happening to you...?" Luigi's voice quivered as he asked that question.

"I'm connected to Mario, Luigi." He began. "As you already know, I'm his demons. I'm all that negativity he feels. But since he's really dead...there's no negativity to represent, no feelings. I'm...dying."

"..." Luigi glanced up at Mr.L...and his eyes widened seeing a tear fall from his eye. "...So I guess it's goodbye then?"

"...Guess so." Oiram said, the flames slowly engulfing his legs, making their way towards his stomach. "It hasn't been long since I took form...but it was fun while it lasted."

Mr.L hesitated, but he slowly let go of Luigi and he stood up as he walked over to him. The two dark demons both stood in front of each other, both having neutral looks on their faces.

"It's been fun, L." Oiram said with a sad smile. "Even though we might not get along, it's been nice knowing ya."

"Yeah..." Mr.L agreed as he brought out his hand for a handshake. "So...see you never?"

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