Chapter 18: Just A Start

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At the dead of night, multiple toads were outside guarding the castle as they were all in groups of four. From the main entrance, the balcony, even just in the garden. They were everywhere. Now they could see why Peach wanted them here at night. Seeing this many toads become so protective over the princess, it was relieving, but mostly scary at the same time.

Mario couldn't help but wonder; Can darkness help protect the people you love? Can it really give you strength to protect what matters? Is it possible...he could really use it to protect his own brother? To give him the strength to protect him?

"Mario." He was brought out of his thought as he looked at Luigi. "Are you ready to do this?"

"Yeah, let's go." Mario and Luigi were being very careful as to be as quiet as they can. They were both in the bushes only fifteen feet away from the castle. For all they knew, just a small footstep could attract their attention. Before they left, they planned to make sure they wouldn't be seen. Lucian said the light from his forms would definitely take their attention, so he decided to reside in Luigi's heart until their task was complete.

When they got out from the bushes, they hid against the wall of the castle as Mario peeked out to see if the coast was clear. As soon as he saw one group walk away, he gestured his hand to follow him, and they both made their way across the path as they made sure nothing dropped behind them. They both saw a balcony above them.

"This is it." Mario whispered. He was about to call out to her, but he heard someone talking to her.

"Are you sure you will be okay for tonight?"

"Yes, Toadsworth. For the seventh time, I'll be fine. Nothing will happen to me."

"Let's hope you can keep your word on that. I better not see you awake either."

"I won't. I'll go to sleep as told."

"Good. I hope you sleep well. Goodnight, princess."

"...Goodnight, Toadsworth."

Mario could hear the small sadness in Peach's voice as he heard Toadsworth close the door. He almost forgot that Toadsworth was kinda like a father to Peach. The bond they both share, the fact that he can become so protective over her, he could feel a small sense of hurt in Peach. Considering the fact they're going to be gone for who knows how long, he had a feeling Peach was going to be thinking about this a lot. Toadsworth, her subjects, her kingdom, he had a feeling assuring Peach wasn't going to be easy either.

Regardless, she approached the balcony, and they saw she was wearing a pink pajama robe, and she didn't have her gloves on.

"Peach, are you ready to go?" Mario asked her.

"..." She frowned as she took one last look at her bedroom behind her, knowing that she, and the two brothers weren't going to return for a long time, but she knew she had to do something for her subjects. To help them. She trusts every single one with her heart. She will do anything save them. No matter the time, no matter the place, no matter the matter the cost, she will do what her heart says.

She then faced the duo with a determined look on her face.

"Yes, I'm ready." She said as she took her robe off, revealing she had her signature pink dress on. She stood at the edge of her balcony, and grunted as she jumped off, using the skirt of her dress as a parachute, she gently, and luckily quiet, she landed beside them. Mario and Luigi both looked at each other, and they both nodded their heads.

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