Chapter 18- Leaving her.

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"WoOah!" Toni yelled her reflexes coming in handy and she dodged the door that came flying towards her body and face.

"Toni?" Cheryl stopped in her tracks on the inside of the door frame where she wiped her face with shaky hands, which matched the state of her body.
Observing that the girl was in distress Toni moved towards her pulling the girl into an awkward hug.
After the initial shock cheryl sunk into Toni's embrace making it a lot less awkward. Thank god.

"I thought you left me?" Cheryl whispered slightly.

"I wouldn't do that" she replied lightly pulling away from her.

They looked at eachother for a moment before Cheryl cleared her throat and spoke
"Umm" she cleared her throat again "yes well I didnt want to be stranded out here" she breathed in deeply then out again trying to be casual... and failing miserably.
She mentally scolded herself. This time for showing emotion ... again. Toni probably saw her as this weak blundering mess and she really REALLY couldn't have that.
"Sorry it took so long the guys they're a little ..." she dragged out the word

"Annoying" Cheryl finished for her.
"Well I was gonna say protective but yeah that too, they were just worried its understandable" Toni explained.

"Hmmm" Cheryl raised an eyebrow returning to her original cold exterior.

"Dont be like that" Toni rolled her eyes. She wasnt sure if she was being playful or rude so she decided to tread lightly.

Cheryl opened her mouth to say some snarky comment back but before she could Toni interrupted raising her  hand
"You know what nevermind just come on let's go" and with that said she wondered back up towards their ride home.

The redhead stood for a moment in shock but was shook out of her trance by a
"You coming? I could have just left you here but I didn't" Toni yelled causing Cheryl to run towards her. She couldn't wait to finally get home.

Her "running" was immediately halted by the thick black sludge that enveloped her heels. Great. As if the storm hadn't done enough now it was over and she was still being punished.

"Jesus hurry up" Toni yelled aggravated. She just wanted to get home. After sleeping on hard, dirty wood she just couldn't wait to shower and relax her aching neck and shoulders.

"I can't!" She reluctantly admitted trying to pull herself free. She got one foot out then stuck again, taking one step. Progress.

"For fuck sake" Toni mumbled trudging back towards the girl.
"What do you m-" she started but immediately burst out laughing as she saw her struggling. "Are you stuck" she asked.

"Oh wow how ever did you notice? I didnt think that was clear" she spat back still struggling.

"Hey if you dont want my help" she surrendered with her hands in the air and turned away as if to leave.
"No! For crying out loud" Cheryl stopped her in her tracks "just come here" she held her hand out. She was not in the mood right now she just wanted to be able to actually move.

"Wow since you asked so politely" Toni scoffed.
"Just help" Cheryl spoke again with no intention of asking for help politely, still holding out her hand.

"Hmmm I dont know" Toni was stood not to far from Cheryl now "what's the magic word" she tapped her chin teasing the girl.

Cheryl finally stopped struggling and put her hands on her hips
"You're kidding me right?" She spoke "I could literally end you, I could ruin you're entire reputation I could-"

"Yeah yeah blah blah you're all powerful and can ruin me ... d'you know what I could do princess" she spoke with a smug demeanor "walk away, leave you here and not help. I mean if you would prefer that I'm sure it can be arranged" she shrugged not even trying to hide her pride in winning.

Cheryl just stared dumbfounded at Toni. I mean there was something of a fascination about how Toni handled the situation. It was almost mean, it was smart... it was very Cheryl of her. And of course the  pale girl had to applaud that... in her head.

"You wouldn't leave me here" Cheryl finally piped up as Toni threatened to leave once again.

Toni was ready for that challenge but as she went to throw another snarky comment Cheryl's face twisted into a somewhat scary look.
She pulled herself free on one leg but as she did her shoe remained covered in mud as if it was about to be swallowed by the ground still.
Cheryl lost her balance refusing to put her foot down and instead falling forward at a fast and dangerous rate.

Of course Toni's reflexes kicked in. She jumped forward seconds before Cheryl hit the ground, catching her and holding her there in place.
"I knew you'd catch me" Cheryl smirked and in Toni's mind it clicked.
She did it on purpose. Of course her smartarse, twisted mind concocted this little plan and made it reality ... and she fell for it. Well Cheryl did the falling but still.

"Oh you are so-" Toni let go of the girl anticipating the thrill she'd get from watching her fall.
"Wait" Cheryl gripped tightly onto her waist not wanting to fall but in the little commotion Toni hadn't stabilised herself.
So instead of staying put cheryl fell backwards hitting the ground and accidentally dragging Toni on top of her.


Day 3 and I've posted again ...honestly dont know what's wrong with me guys. Love reading your comments though and love that y'all are liking the book.

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