Chapter 9- The red room

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Toni pulled the photo out and let it drip a little before hanging it along the line in the deep red glow. She smiled at the photos, a lot were of her new school, some of animals in the woods she'd had the pleasure of capturing and others ... well a few of the others were her.
Cheryl Blossom. Sat by the lake in such solumn beauty. Her pale skin catching the small trickles of sunlight that escaped through the gaps in the trees.
A knock at the door startled Toni and cut off her train of thought. She didn't want to be creepy and to her it wasn't, Toni only takes pictures of beautiful things and Cheryl was just that,  beyond that even.
It's not like she was using the photo for a shrine or anything Jesus she's not insane but when she started developing the photos she had forgotten that these were on there.
"Who's there?" She yelled.
"It's jug can you unlock the door" he said from the other side.
"Umm gimmie a sec" she walked towards the door and opened it just enough to look at the guy.
"What's up" she said slightly squinting at the sunlight that pierced her eyes.

"You been in there's while when is it my turn" he said jokingly pretending to whine like a child.
"It hasn't been that long"Toni rolled her eyes trying to joke aswell and not act suspicious.
"Toni it's 4 o clock" what jughead said had literally shocked the girl ... 5 hours! She'd been in there ...5 hours!
"Oh shit! I'm sorry" She apologised.

"Chill out Toni im only taking the piss,yes it's 4 but I was just making sure you were alive" he laughed a little.
"That's dramatic" she said smiling.
"We live in Riverdale it's not that uncommon" they both gave eachother a half smile not really knowing anything positive they could say about the town at this point.
"Can I come in? what you working on that's taking up all your time?" he stepped forward and Toni pushed the door a little as his hand reached out for it. "Ummm okay"
"Its-its a secret project jughead I don't want people seeing it till it's done" she got more confident in her lie with every word she said.
"Ooo secret ... Okay Topaz you keep you're secrets" he stepped back and made a surrender motion before yelling "but you gotta see sunlight at some point" raising his arms to the sky. Then he made his way back to his trailer.

Toni closed the door and pressed her back against it letting out a sigh of relief then looking across at the photos of Cheryl.  
She finished off developing her photos, gathered the ones she wanted to keep in her portfolio and left the red room within 30 mins.

Toni loved Saturdays because she could spend the day doing what she loved, taking pictures, capturing beauty and then making them into something more.
She started up her motorcycle and smiled at what she had done yet as she did the rain started to lightly fall from the dim clouds that began making thier way across the sun's path. She looked up slightly annoyed and then put her helmet on and sped off towards her home.

"For fuck sake mother!" Cheryl screamed slamming the door of thistle house behind her. The girl was infuriated, upset but most of all she was just damn right fed up.

She looked across the fields and contemplated getting her bow out since she hasn't done that for a while. But first she wanted to clear her head.

A walk it is she thought and continued down the path towards the iron gates at the end of her driveway.

Cheryl had walked for about an hour or so when she felt a drop of rain hit her face, then her hand then her entire body. The rain was rather light like a summer mist really so she didn't mind. In fact it was refreshing to just let loose and breathe fresh air, to have no-one to intimidate for a while and just breathe.

Then the rain got heavier and heavier before it started hammering down on her head. "For fuck sake weather!" She cursed letting the annoyance rise within her.

Cheryl just continued walking, this time her hands buried deep in her pockets while the rain soaked her auburn locks turning her entire aura into that of a wet dogs ...just with more beauty.

Toni had started to ride and as the rain got heavier she sped up. Her adrenaline took over as the rain hit her face at 80 miles an hour, her wheels spun and she smiled to herself.
As it became more dangerous however, she did decide to slow it down a bit because her wheel spun against the ground causing a slight jolt in her steering.
She looked ahead and ... saw someone drenched down the road.
Toni didn't think much of it as a stranger would probably be more afraid if Toni were to help in anyway. What with her serpent jacket and motorcycle she wasn't exactly approachable.
But as she got closer Toni noticed... the red hair ...the killer outfit  (now being killed by the rain)  ...and ...the solumn expression covering her face.
Toni slammed on her breaks skidding and taking far longer to stop than she would have if the ground were considerably dryer.

Cheryl stepped backwards, the rain still pouring so she had to to be able to see the girl perched on her motorcycle stating at her.
As if she couldn't guess she noticed it was Toni.
Toni waiting expectantly for Cheryl to walk towards her.
And she did.
Toni took off her helmet and yelled over the sound of raindrops bounding down on the earth
"Need a ride?" Cheryl laughed in her head how chiveroulous of Toni to offer but why? Why did she even offer.
Just like her thoughts Cheryl spoke or rather yelled
"Umm because you're getting wet and we're nowhere near anything here so you'll be getting wet for  while" she laughed motioning to the empty roads and greenery around them.

"Oh and your motorcycle is gonna keep me dry? What with all its Windows, doors and hmmm I don't know a roof" how the girl could be so sarcarcastic while screaming through the noise of the rain was beyond Toni.

Toni just smiled gripping her helmet
"I can't promise you'll ever be dry around me" she smirked and applauded her self in her head for the incredible comeback.
Cheryl couldn't even believe the nerve of this girl. She was taken aback  and shocked ... a little turned on ...but still taken aback.
"Are you serious?" Was all Cheryl answered.
"Are YOU serious?" Toni fired back "look at you ...look at us just get on we can't stay here" she shouted once again.
"I'm not getting on that thing especially not with you" Cheryl yelled at the girl, lowering her voice slightly as the rain started to die down.
"Why not?" Toni shrugged ignoring the girls slightly evil comment.

"Its not a safe vehicle, especially in slippery roads. You're not a safe person especially when I'm alone with you and...and" Cheryl struggled to find another reason until her eyes flicked to Tonis hand "...and I dont have a helmet like you" she pointed.
"Afraid to be alone with me" she smirked at the girl.

They both stared at each other the rain lightly hitting their heads now but right before Cheryl spoke back the  sound of thunder rumbled  throughout the sky.
Toni looked up then looked at Cheryl again and held out her own helmet to the redhead.
Cheryl stared at it for a moment then flicked her eyes to Toni's eyes then back to the helmet.
The rain got heavier again and Cheryl gave in, taking an exasperated sigh and grabbing the helmet off of Toni
"For fuck sake" she mumbled getting on the back of Tonis bike.

Choni- I get what I want Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant