2. Into the abyss

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The next week I got extremely busy with my work. I was in the Intensive Care Unit - ICU for short - and had a couple of difficult cases which needed a lot of examinations and organising so I spent most of my time in the hospital sometimes until late night.

No problem, I don't have a life anyway - thought to myself as I headed to my changing room on Thursday evening. I was drained, smelly and hungry and hated myself. Saving lives is great but an extremely demanding profession. I enjoyed every moment of it but at these times I started thinking if was it all worth it. I lived alone at the age of 32 and Max was right, my life really was all work but no fun. At least I got the next three days free and had nothing planned except sleeping and eating. Ok, maybe some more running so I don't get fat. Now, that would be the sprinkle on the top.

As I was dreaming about my free weekend my phone rang. I started searching for it, and when I found it in the pocket of my scrubs I saw the caller's ID: it was Christian again.

"Hey Christian" I greeted him. I sounded tired for sure and maybe not so interested as I really was.
"Hi Clara. Bad time?" he asked cautiously.
"No, it's just the end of my day. How are you guys?" I asked him while I struggled myself into my skinny jeans.
"Fine. Fine." he hesitated. His voice sounded distant and a realisation just occurred to me.
"Wait, you're already in Bahrain right?" I nearly fell over and stopped.
"Is everything ok? Is Max all right?" I asked worriedly.
"Yeah, good as new" he fastly stated.
"No, the thing is I was just worried. Look, the car seems perfect. And I have a perfect driver. Well, at least we'd thought so. What if it happens again? The attack?" he asked.
I relieved. It was not likely that Max will have an asthma attack with the meds I prescribed but Christian was right it wasn't impossible. He clearly needed regular checkups and medication.
"So it got me thinking. We have to be sure we don't waste this opportunity to win the Championship this year. You can't imagine how much money it is Clara. All the sponsors and the fame we could have with that trophy. And that boy is a winner." he really sounded enthusiastic.

I understood it was a multibillion dollar business and winning was everything for them. Especially for Red Bull who struggled as second best in the last couple of years. Max told me the other night that he had one goal since the age of three and that is to be a formula 1 world champion.

"Well, this is where you came to my mind." he continued and I frowned. I didn't see where this conversation is heading.
"Clara what do you do on the weekend?" he asked.
"Uhm" I started, still frowning.
"I go home and bury myself under my blankets for the next seventy-two hours."
"Interesting" he said really not impressed. "So what about getting out of your comfort zone and come here?"
"WHAT?" I asked and finally gave up trying to change my clothes.
"To Bahrain you mean? Now? You lost your mind my dear uncle." I laughed. I was sure I misunderstood something.
"Why? You don't have anything else to do, and we really need you. I took care of everything. Just pack your things and head to the airport." He sounded like it was the brightest, most logical idea he ever had.
"But why? You have your own medical staff! And FIA has their official team of fancy doctors so I don't understand."
"Yes, that's correct. But Lee is not confident with these acute illnesses. And I simply don't trust other doctors. The last thing I need is the media finding out about this. The rising star with the chronic disease!" he started to sound panicked.
"What a headline for Hello magazine! You have to understand that with you being my niece there nobody will suspect a thing! You could be just hanging around and be there just in case the something happens again. So what do you say?" he jabbered and I still couldn't believe my ears.

My uncle just invited me to Bahrain to attend an F1 race like VIP and be a personal standby doctor for Max Verstappen. That's ridiculous. I laughed desperately again.

"I guess you are right about the media." I gave in slowly. "And you are also right about me - I have nothing else planned. But even like this, I can't just hop on a plane and fly there, it's insane!"
"Yes, it is insane. Welcome to our life dear." Now, he laughed.
"We are called a circus for a reason. I need you so just go to the airport, and by the time you're there my assistant will sort out the flight. We'll keep in touch don't worry. Thank you Clara, it means a lot. But I need to go now."

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