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hi beautiful. i hope you're doing okay. don't forget to eat and rest, don't worry you're doing okay. don't forget you're more than enough, and beautiful. i purple you !! 💜

"you're here again." jimin smiled when he opened the door, it hadn't been long since he last saw yoongi but seeing him again made him happy. after all, they been hanging out a lot lately. jimin swears that his moments with yoongi are the happiest. still, he knows he shouldn't fancy yoongi. not in a world like this, in this time.

li came to check on you, i heard your case was pretty messy." yoongi smiled back, entering the house. he waited for jimin to close the door before kissing him. they kissed for a bit before jimin pulled away. "indeed it was. i wish i could be better." jimin frowned, he stared at yoongi. yoongi felt a pang in his chest, he didn't like seeing jimin sad, he embraced him. "is kyung not home?" yoongi whispered as he rubbed his back in comfort. jimin didn't say anything but yoongi knew she wasn't, otherwise he wouldn't be hugging him in plain sight or kissing.

"don't worry love, it's not that you're bad. some people are just unreasonable, there's no point in arguing with someone with no common sense." yoongi comforted him. "it's my job to help them and i failed. there's no reason to continue, i can't even write nowadays, i can't seem to scape this life i have. this life full of lies, for all my life i felt like i needed to do the right thing and now that i'm doing it, it doesn't feel right. i feel like i've been caged this whole time, except when i'm with you." jimin looked up at yoongi. "when i'm with you i'm at ease, i don't feel judged or forced to do anything."

jimin had spend a lot of time with yoongi. he grew fond of him, liking him a bit more than usual.

"it's been four months since we met, i'm sure you're aware. in those four months i've been so happy with you, but i know, that all of this is temporary." jimin frowned. "i want a life with you in this impossible world." he told him. jimin truly wished for a life where they could live together, where they were accepted by society.

yoongi didn't say anything, his mouth was slightly open. he looked down.

"but i'm also aware that you don't see me as anything, a simple tool of entertainment, am i right? but still, i want to run away with you." jimin cried. he was frustrated, everything he felt was overwhelming.

"you can't regret saying that later." yoongi kissed his forehead. "have you been drinking" he asked and jimin nodded. "then how about we rest?" yoongi picked him up. jimin wrapped his legs around yoongi's waist and laid his head on his shoulder. "you're quite light, have you been getting proper sleep and rest?" yoongi asked, carrying him up the stairs. "i seem to have forgotten." jimin simply answered, holding on to yoongi tighter.

"it's not good to skip meals, i love your body the way it is, even if i haven't explored it yet." yoongi made his way towards jimin's room.

yoongi entered and closed the door behind him, locking it. he laid jimin in the bed. "i'll be taking my leave now beautiful." he leaned in and kissed his forehead.

jimin grabbed yoongi's sweater. "please don't leave." he whispered. yoongi looked at him, feeling a sudden rush in his heart. "i-i'll stay." he slightly blushed and laid next to jimin. he spooned jimin until he fell asleep. yoongi waited a little bit before he accidentally fell asleep.

yoongi woke up to a knock on the door. he got up and rubbed his eyes, trying to clear his vision. he turned to his side and noticed jimin peacefully sleeping.

"are you alright, darling?" kyung knocked softly on the door.

"shit." yoongi cussed and abruptly shook jimin. jimin pulled the blanket and pushed yoongi away. "stop." he mumbled and until he realised what happened.

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