The Past is Past, Never Discuss.

Start from the beginning

Matthew pirked up from the word that came out of the American's mouth, "Iggy?" But no one seems to have heard him.

"Please Alfred-san. What are you hiding from us?"


"Talk properly, stupid!"

"I-I'm from another-" alternative world!... "Wh-What...?" He clutched at his chest because the pain was too painful, it almost made him cry out.

"We don't have all day, Alfred."

"Talk. Now."





"Why does he keep on eating all that?"

"He's a just pig, let him have his moment."






"...please...don't do it..."


"....Why can't you just let me go?"

"AAAH!!!" Alfred yelled out, hands stretched forward as he gasped and spun up in his chair, his eyes snapping open in hollowness.

Everyone jumped at his sudden outburst as most of them fell off from their chairs. Alfred's glassy eyes were wide, gasping desperately after that horrible nightmare. He couldn't understand why he remembered that memory back from his world but he didn't want to relive it again.

"A-Alfred? Are you alright?"

Alfred jumped, the adrenaline still in his wake, "W-What just..."

America flinched when Finland tried to pat him for comfort. Finland's smile faltered, his face showing the concern he felt for the boy, "Is something wrong, dear?"

America forcibly pushed the image of Finland in his dream and tried to assure the Finnish that he's fine. Russia rolled his eyes but he felt really concerned for some reason that he doesn't understand. He knew when looking at his little sister that she also felt the same. Canada softly said sweet nothings to the American while Belarus stared (more like glared) at how the American acts during the whole meeting.

Belarus noticed that Alfred seems to be used to meetings, the topics they had been talking about and even his words that he mimicked from England. She knew that there was something about Alfred that she should know about. She just doesn't know what and how to obtain the knowledge about him, so she tried talking to him before and during the meeting (while trying not to strangle him whenever he and Russia pick up a small conversation) until he slept. What she felt during this was unexpected.

She felt comfortable, warmth and a bit of weird happiness.

It has been a long time since she genuinely felt all of this, and from a human boy no less! Belarus shook her head, her amethyst eyes showed a bit of concern than what she really feels deep inside. Something just doesn't add up.

"Was it a nightmare?" She asked.

Alfred loosened a bit and smiled, "Uh yeah...I think it was."

"Ah, do not worry about that, так? It's just a dream." Then Belarus thought for a moment before her frown deepened, "Or was it something more than just a dream?"

'Yeah.' Alfred wanted to say.

When the Belarusian saw Alfred shaking his head, no, she internally sighed in relief and tried to cover her smile.

America knowingly smiled back, he was already used to his Belarus' actions in his world. His smile widened a bit but held back from telling her the truth, 'I wish it was but I know better...'

'It was my dark past after all...'

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