Author's Note

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Wow.. what a ride. I know you are all probably irritated at me for ending the book on a cliffhanger, but don't worry. This is just the first book in a series.

First off, I'd like to thank TheInclusiveReader rosestarr444 earthtobri mijd----9 and Niamhnolo for your continued voting, reading, and comments. Seriously, you guys are the ones who helped me finish.

Writing a book has been a huge goal for me for about two decades. I knew I wanted to be a writer when I was about 7 years old and when I was 12, I started trying to write books. However, I have never been able to finish. So really, thank you for your encouragement.

Now to the news you really want. The next book in the series is titled, "Don't Break My Hart." I have some planning to do. I know the direction I want the series to travel in, it's just finding the content to fill up every book with. On top of that work has been crazy and I also have a wedding to plan.

But I promise I won't make you wait long for the next book. ❤️ I will update here when the first chapter of the new book is up and ready.

Last thing, I know this book needs editing, but one of my biggest challenges when it comes to writing is reading a book over again, seeing all the mistakes, then hating everything and becoming discouraged. One of the main reasons I have never finished a book before this one. So what I am going to do it keep going until I have finished the series then go back edit and fill in all the plot holes.

I encourage constructive criticism. Please do. I want to know where I can improve, but please keep in mind that I'm not perfect and I know I need to fix a few things.

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