Chapter 18

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Breakfast was a quiet affair. Everyone was mentally preparing for what needed to be done. I avoided looking at both Chogan and Xavier after what happened last night. They respectfully didn't call me out on it. It had been decided that Lola, Pops, and Benji would stay on the bus and keep the doors locked. Lola would sit behind the wheel and honk if she noticed anything strange.

Xavier and Shenae would check out the shed and barn while Chogan and Carlos would walk around the property nearby. I would take Cerberus with me and check the house. There had been some debate on whether it was a good idea for me to go alone, but Lola figured her house was still locked up safe and secure as she left it, especially since there were no surprise attacks from biters or humans last night.

"My spare key is under a rock by the front porch. I honestly have no idea where my purse and its contents went."

"It's okay, Lola. I'll manage. Plus Chogan and Carlos will be walking around outside the perimeter making sure nothing sneaks up on me from behind." I gave everyone a reassuring smile, at least I thought it was until Carlos scoffed his nose up at me. I gave him a flat stare. "Is everyone ready?"

We had finally decided to put those walkie talkies Chogan had managed to get his hands on awhile back. Each group only had one apiece. Surprisingly, it had been Shenae who had dug them up from the back and suggested using them. Cerberus was wagging his tail, excited to finally be of use. We had let the dogs out every so often on the trip, but it wasn't enough for an excited puppy who wasn't quite six months old. He was so intelligent for such a young dog, but he kind of had to be.

The six of us exited the bus, with a sharp click behind us. We all hesitated for a moment. Cerberus was tensing with joy and energy, so far he hadn't sensed anything we should be worried about. I nodded to the others and headed towards the house with the border collie in tow. He seemed to be aware that the situation wasn't a time for playing. I scooped down and started shuffling through the rocks trying to find the key.

The walkie talkie crackled into life, making me jump a little. A hoarse laughter sounded out softly. "It's the big rock, dear." I waved my hand in the air signaling to Lola I had heard her message the grabbed the biggest rock I could find. Sure enough, there was a bronze old key taped to the underside. I ripped it off and made my way up the steps. I somehow managed to find every old creaky board in the process, wincing each time.

I might have been a little too uptight and stressed for nothing, but I was about to enter the house alone. There could probably be some man waiting just on the other side of the door for me to enter. My thoughts flashed to Ethan. I had never hated anyone more in my entire life, and that's saying something. But I didn't have to worry about him. There was no way he survived our last encounter.

I crept to the door, and as silently as possible, turned the key in the knob. There was a faint click, letting me know that I had succeeded. I pushed open the door, waited for my eyes to adjust to the dimness, then walked inside. It was eerily silent in the house. Cerberus sniffed around the foyer. There was a long hallway in front of me.

Off to one side was the stairs leading up. That would be a problem. If I went up the stairs, I risked being trapped by whatever was downstairs and vice versa. Choices, choices. I decided to check the lower level first. If there was a biter, it would more likely be on the first. If there was a person, I was screwed either way.

The foyer opened up into the living area with a connected dining room. There was a fire place with a huge flat screen TV mounted above it. I grinned to myself. Lola may be old and live on a farm but it seemed she still like technology just as much as anyone else. The dining set was old and antique but in superb condition.

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