Chapter 5

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Warning: This chapter contains mature content. Please be advised that only those 18 or older should proceed.

Author's note: I'm sorry. If you are in the process of reading this book, please note that I am changing the name "Archer" to "Ryder." If I miss any, please point them out.

I woke to hushed whispers. A female voice was scolding someone across the room. A hand tenderly brushed back my greasy hair. I tried to remember what had happened and where I was, but nothing was coming to me.

My next step was to open my eyes. A very hot Asian was standing above me. His liquid chocolate eyes met mine. In their depths, I could see fury.. and understanding? Kaito. This guy's name was Kaito.

I tried sitting up but my head starting spinning. He placed a hand on my shoulder and gently pushed me back down. He must have signaled to someone that I was awake. A few more faces popped into view. A blonde. Angel. A giant African American. Big John. I knew these people.

"What happened?" I groaned.

"We were going to ask you that question. You don't remember?" Big John's brows furrowed.

"We think you have a concussion, Atalia." Angel smiled sweetly at me, but her eyes wouldn't meet mine.

"What happened?" I asked again, my voice firm and steady. Angel glanced nervously at Big John. He looked like he was going to be sick. Kaito pushed them away. He slowly signed something for Angel. She nodded and pulled Big John with her.

I looked around the room. We were alone in the office. A shiver of fear ran down my spine. My breathing hitched and Kaito spun around to look at me. He slowly approached the desk I was laying on. Several aprons were covering me and something soft was under my head.

Kaito held up a finger and began to rummage around in the desk. He held up a pen and paper, quickly scratching something across its surface.

How much do you remember?

I thought long and hard. I remember the vaccine. The biters. Being scratched. Being confined. But after that is a blank. I told Kaito as much. He nodded his head then wrote some more.

Lily passed away last night. We believe it is like the television said. She became sick and died. Thankfully, she did not become a biter. When we were arguing about what to do, Samantha went to find Ethan.

Kaito paused in his writing, studying my face. "I remember a voice." I whispered. "Something about us being busy." Bits and pieces came back to me. I looked to Kaito for more information. He'd already written the next part.

Samantha looked disgusted when she left the office, so I came to investigate. You were lying on the ground. Ethan was on top of you. He had thrown up. Your eyes were hazy and unfocused, blood dripping from your head. You lifted a hand out to me. I knew.

After I finished reading, my memories rushed back. A sob escaped my throat. I rolled over to escape Kaito's far too understanding eyes and almost rolled off the desk. He caught me, pulling me into his arms. I cried until there was nothing left. I cried until I was numb.

Long after my tears had dried, I finally croaked out, my voice hoarse from crying. "He didn't go through with it. You stopped him. He didn't go through with it."

Kaito reached around me, showing me one last message. He must have had it prepared already.

What he didn't do does not excuse what he did do. I knocked him out and covered you up before anyone else saw. The only thing anyone knows is that you were attacked. I did not elaborate on the attack, but there will be assumptions made. You will never have to worry about Ethan again. Once he woke, we gave him food and water and sent him on his way. You will not be confined to this room again. If you need to talk, I'm a good listener.

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