Orange M&Ms and Pretzels - Part 4

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Beni blinked. "Excuse me?"

"Louis shrunk himself down and Will swallowed him," explained Reese.

"If this is supposed to be some sort of metaphorical projection of a possible gay relationship between Louis and Will, it's in poor taste."

"It's not!" hissed Reese, feeling Louis kick him in retaliation. He put a hand over his middle, pressing down to rid himself of the fluttering sensation. "Look, this started back during the Freewill mission."

Reese went on to summarize how Louis and Will were captured during the Freewill mission and what had been done to Louis by Retten's machine. He explained how Louis was affected by light and why he had to wear sunglasses all the time and how Will had swallowed him in Kore's caves. When Reese got to Louis and Will finding Massaru and deciding how to hide him, his words nearly dried up.

"Whoever kidnapped Massaru in the first place probably knew about Louis' abilities," continued Reese. "So to keep Massaru safe and Louis from being found they were to be shrunk and swallowed away. But since Will was the first person they would expect to take them in they decided that... I should swallow them."

During his explanation Beni had gone from attentive to skeptical to eyeing him like he was a rabid Chihuahua. He had a feeling he had lost her at the beginning.

"So..." said Beni, hand on her hip and face blank, and voice surprisingly calm. "Louis and Massaru are inside you."

"Yes. I know this sounds weird—"

"It sounds like you watched Innerspace while high."

"I knew you wouldn't believe me."

"That Louis and Massaru are sitting in your stomach?" retorted Beni with a snap in her voice. "Of course not!"

"Standing, actually."

Beni threw up her hands in exasperation, the gesture threatening to draw attention. "Reese what is wrong with you? Will needs our help and you're down here spinning some sci-fi bullshit about shrinking lights and swallowing things. Are you drugged? Did you raid the bar and steal the Everclear? Are you just so pissed off at Louis that you don't want to acknowledge his existence? Pick one because they're a hell of a lot saner then what you just spat out. If Cetz that you'd be booted out of the Watch faster than a GT 500, or stuck on a therapy couch with some bearded guy that'll spin everything you say into a phallic symbol and make you take medication for—"

As Beni ranted, Reese slipped the stethoscope from his sleeve again and stuck the disc against his stomach. With the other hand he hooked one of the ear pieces to Beni's ear and the other to his own.

"Louis, please explain this to her," muttered Reese.

"The hell?" said Beni as she tried to jerk away from her partner. "What are you doing?"

"He's trying to get you to shut up and listen!" yelled Louis through the earpiece.

Beni froze eyes wide but unconvinced. "What?"

"Yeah, just stand there like an idiot while Will is stuck with Zachs, that sonofabitch, and Retten's little mole is walking around!"

Massaru spoke up. "Reese is speaking truthfully, Benita."

Beni's finger slowly followed the cord from her ear. When it hit Reese's vest her hand jerked back like she had tripped an alarm. Reese put away the stethoscope. Color drained from Beni's cheeks and Reese quickly steered her towards a bench to sit while he fetched her a glass of water. After a minute and a few sips, she seemed a little more composed, though still shocked.

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