S. CARTER ( available )

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TITLE → Generation Why

OC'S NAME → Stevie Rogers

LOVE INTEREST → Sharon Carter

TIMELINE → Captain America: The Winter Soldier

STEVIE ROGERS had been cursed, she was sure of it. She was named after her great-uncle Steve, the famous Captain America, to pay homage to him and her grandmother's love for her departed brother. It was a cute, sentimental name, one that the media dubbed as the cutest, most meaningful name in thirty years.

She grew up, learned how to control her X-Gene given abilities, and excelled with them. After some time, Stevie joined S.H.I.E.L.D., and after some prodding from several higher-up people, she became the new, female, Captain America. It was odd for some, especially for Stevie, but she grew into it, learning to like the name and the suit.

Then her dear Uncle Steve came back to life and, suddenly, Stevie's world had been flipped upside down. Two Steve Rogers, two Captain Americas—that was a bit too much for her.

Stevie didn't give up the title, though, but she swapped it for Patriot after some prodding from James Rhodes, who said that the title should be carried on, even if she wasn't an "iron." At least it kept the America theme in play.

She joined the Avengers (partly, she didn't really mean to), and became an "honorary member" due to her expressing that she didn't want to be an official one.

It seemed like things had settled down for her, reached a calming point in her wild life. One where there wasn't any mind-blowing surprises, or stressful moments.

But then Stevie uncovers news that Hydra is still alive, thriving within S.H.I.E.L.D.'s ranks, and she invests the help of the one person she can wholeheartedly trust with something like this—her first partner at S.H.I.E.L.D., Sharon Carter.

Together, they'd prove they were more than just their last names for the final time.

FACE CLAIM → troian bellisario as stevie rogers

❝ I've always been my last name. I was always held to Steve's standards. And that might be my fault for doing the same, but I can't help but think it means that he's the better one. ❞


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→ Stevie has X-Gene abilities. Almost like a super-soldier, which is just another annoyingly ironic part of her existence. It's super-strength, super-durability, and super-stamina, as well as heightened senses. All more-so than Steve's, since they weren't created from a serum but instead herself. It's believed that the Rogers family carries a "gene" that unlocks super abilities, though it can't be proven.

→ Stevie and Sharon have always known each other, since Stevie grew up knowing Peggy and being childhood best friends with Sharon. The two were always held to their last name and compared to it, even as they excelled in their careers.

→ Stevie's gay, to clarify, please don't have any past/current relations with a man! On that note, whether her and Sharon do get together is up to you, since it's not set in stone.

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