CH.8 Operation Mold!

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Jack slipped on the anesthesia to (Y/N). Surprisingly, she was a little nervous, but she knew she had to stay on top of her feelings.

As soon as (Y/N) was asleep he quickly moved in to avoid having to chop off her leg. Jack removed the Necrosis and dead skin.

After the surgery he asked "Hey Pinoco, why don't you hang out with Sharaku for a while? Take Largo with you too!"

Jack wasn't planning to do anything to (Y/N), but he did want her to wake up to Ocean waves. He wanted her to see Toriton, as he was flipping through the waves of the ocean.

Once (Y/N) had a couple of minutes to wake up she asked, "Can I go to the ocean?"

"Sure," he said. Jack held out his hand to (Y/N), he had realized his last patient, Nii-san had tooken his last pair of crutches.

While (Y/N) was hopping around like a frog, Jack had held her up like he was a crutch. (Y/N) couldn't get up or use her leg for another six hours.

The sweet scent of honey and dew filled the air. The sap of the trees were coming out more often. It was actually a particularly hot day, so the conditions were perfect for the sap to be so sticky.

When they met the outskirts of the ocean, Toriton was still splashing in the summer ocean. Yes, the water current and heat was almost perfect.

The water shined so bright from the pearls and coral. Just then, (Y/N) had a brilliant idea for Toriton.

"Hazama, may I take some coral and pearls combine it together and make a coral garden for Toriton to look at?" Jack looked surprised, she would probably wanted to take and sell them, but her reaction was much different than Pinoco's.

"I guess so." Hazama replied. He set her down and started gathering coral and pearls. He found a strangely curved rock that looked like a bowl, so he put them in there.

Later he grabbed a long horizontal flower pot, that could hold at least six small flowers side by side.

(Y/N) Grabbed the wet sand the the ocean constantly sheeted over to keep it wet. After she was done putting in the sand she dug a couple of holes for the coral.

After the coral was the pearls, she carefully placed each on top of the sand for decoration. Of course, she spaced out the pearls just enough for a gorgeous gleaming coral plant.

"I'm done." Said (Y/N). She wiped the sweat off her face and let out a sigh. Jack took the box and set it on a smooth flat rock. It was high enough for Toriton, and everyone else to see perfectly.


The next day a delivery guy came with five large packages. It was (Y/N)'s wardrobe that she had left in Rhode Island.

She had thought they had been burned to the ground, But surprisingly they hadn't.

Once all the boxes were in (Y/N) had realized that she had never looked in her closet. But when she opened it she was disgusted. Jack was too, how could Pinoco have missed such a disgusting thing in the house?

Mold was growing every where. If (Y/N) hadn't opened it then, they all would have gone sick.

Pinoco rushed in because of the ruckus that they made. "What is going on?" Pinoco asked. She looked over at the closet and noticed the mold, and she too was disgusted.

"Acchonbrike!" She exclaimed. Pinoco ran to the storage closet and grabbed mold cleaner. She had also brought a dust feather to rid of the enormous amount of cobwebs in the closet too, while dressing in a serious look as if she was in a hazmat suit.

"This is gonna get ugly!" Pinoco yelled. As she shoo'd off the rest remaining in the room.

(Y/N) wanted some toast and jam for once so she got out a loaf of bread. It was also moldy. As for the jam it had more strange white bacteria on it.

It was oddly strange to find mold on more than one item. And none of the items had gone bad! Pinoco came out just in time to see what was going on.

Pinoco looked up with a serious yet childish face. "It's time to investigate! I call it, Operation Mold!" Pinoco exclaimed.

Words 748

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