CH.4 Returning

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Pinoco came into the bedroom with my dinner, but I wasn't really hungry. "You have to eat! It's very important to be healthy!" Pinoco yelled.

"Alright, alright. I'll eat." I said. "Good!" Pinoco replied. I picked up the spoon, my hands were shaking.

I took a bite, and it was delicious! I hadn't had something like that in years! But, it didn't last long.

I began to cough again, this time it really was painful, because the food was hot.

"Hazama!" I screamed. Still coughing, I fell from the bed, I was choking again. Right as he walked I vomited.

BJ knew he had to perform and operation to remove the Pneumonic plague out of me as soon as possible.


I performed a lung transplant to (Y/N). It should take at least three months for the stitches to heal. Hopefully it doesn't hurt to eat or breath anymore.

Jack looked over to the Old middle school journal (imma abbreviate it as O.M.S.J). He opened it up to the first page. He read through the entry, knowing that he would be in it.

On the second entry, it read:

That weird kid named Gera is laughing again, I can't stand it! Every time he does it makes me one inch closer to slapping that dumbass look off his face. What's so funny anyway? It would be much better if he just disappeared, in a gruesome way. I'm not gonna talk about it. The festival preparations have started and I could really just care less. But the teachers are all like "Oh! You have to participate in order to get a good grade!" Tch, who does she think she is? I can for sure pass without oral participation! I can't believe they gave up on Hazama-kun already! And with me, they are still pushing me. You know wha- Gera is laughing again. Arggh I'm gonna show him what it feels like to not laugh and be happy-go-lucky all the time. I'm gonna teach him a very academic lesson. One that he will remember!

BJ mumbled under his breath, "She... what...?"

Jack was starting to return to how he felt about Gera.

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