Chapter 8 more problems

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Cheryl's pov
I woke up by myself the bed was cold I couldn't have been asleep for too long! Has Toni left again?did she mean anything she said last night? Am so stupid! Why would she mean any of it? I was horrible to her. I rolled over and saw a post-it note stuck to where Toni was supposed to be laying I picked it up gently "hey you feel asleep and jughead called me so I had to go I will be back as soon as I can -snake" I smiled and placed the note back where it was. I slowly got up and out of bed "Cheryl I need to talk to you down stairs now please" I heard Alfa's weak voice say from downstairs I got changed into some black leggings and my red jumper I brushed my hair but left it down. "Now Cheryl" Alfa growled obviously frustrated I whined as I stared to panic a little as Alfa doesn't normally talk to us like that unless we have done something wrong. Oh god did he hear mine and Toni's conversation last night? I mean we where drunk so we were probably talking very loud "on my way alpha" I said absolutely shitting myself he rarely talks to us like this so I have definitely done something wrong I took a deep breath as I walked down the stairs when I got to the bottom Alfa was sat in a wheelchair I gasped and ran to him "your getting worse Alfa the veins on your nerves are black" i said in a worried tone "I don't care about that right now where is my daughter?" He asked his eyes glowing red with anger I took a step back and look down at him in fear "I-I she left me a note saying jughead needed her so she left but she also wrote that she would be back" I said pushing out a smile but Alfa just growled "that girl is in lots of trouble Betty's neck is bruised and won't heal because how sad her wolf is we have had to chain Veronica to the bed or she was going to kill you" he said I whined out of shame "am very sorry Alfa it won't happen again" as Toni's mate I should be able to stop her from lashing out or hurting another pack member and I failed so this is partly my fault too "thank you for your apology Cheryl when you-" Alfa was interrupted by a small girl with blond hair bursting through the door she was holding a slingshot and it was aimed right at me "are you Cheryl blossom?" She said with anger in her words I stood in front of Alfa protectively "who are you?" I said somehow knowing her scent "stay away from Toni topaz" she said my wolf growled and I immediately shook my head "come on just put the weapon down and we can talk about what ever you want to" I said slowly moving forward but I only earned a spiky metal cog flung into my shoulder "move any closer another goes through your head" she shouted with pure anger in her voice. I took a step back I looked back at Alfa and he looked up at me "the pack is coming" he mind linked me and within seconds the girl was surrounded with a fear look in her eyes "listen I don't want to have to hurt anyone just stay away from her and everything will be fine" she said trying to hide her fear but failing I pulled the cog from my shoulder and walked to the girl who couldn't move without hitting into one of the other pack members I bent down to her height and I couldn't help but get a little bit angry causing my eyes turn yellow and my teeth to turn into fangs "I believe this is yours I suggest you leave this house and never come back because next time you won't be leaving with both hands" I growled the girl now shaking with fear but she took a deep breathe and said "not until I know you won't bother Toni again!" She shouted and shot another cog but this time it hit me in the stomach I couldn't control myself any longer my wolf jumped out and now am in my wolf form watching as the little girl in front of me look at me with nothing but fear but I realised it wasn't only me in my wolf form and everyone in the pack was too well...except from Alfa. Just as we where about to attack the girl there was the loudest growl anyone had ever heard. After not even a second Toni was stood in front of me protecting the girl "SHE IS A CHILD AND YOU WHERE GOING TO HURT HER?!" Toni shouted at me through mind link I growled and stood my ground "she was the one who burst in and hurt me first" I said my head held high but that quickly changed when Toni shouted "YOU ARE PATHETIC! YOU ALL ARE SHE IS 13 AND YOU WHERE GOING TO KILL HER!" The girl was going to say something when Toni growled at her so she just stayed quiet. Toni turned back into her human form her eyes still bright red and fangs still out "and you just wait until I tell FP what you have done! you could of died !are you stupid? I told you to never come to this house alone! And you disobeyed me you are lucky I didn't hurt you for hurting my mate I have told you multiple times it's not Cheryl's fault just drop it" Toni shouted at the girl who was very close to tears everyone changed back into there human forms and hung there head in shame "meet me in the car JB" Toni said a little embarrassed of the girls actions "But-" she started but went silent when Toni glared at her after the girl looked around at everyone she slowly walked out and shut the door. I stayed quiet and watched as Toni completely ignored my existence and walked to her father pulling out a small bottle of red liquid "drink this" She said with a soft smile Alfa looked at it then took the lid of and smelt it he looked at her in disgust "is this blood?" He said clearly in pain toni nodded then said "jughead helped me find a local witch and she told me the cure for my bite" Toni pushed the bottle to her fathers lips and pored the liquid into his mouth "this is going to hurt" she whispered as she removed the now empty bottle from his lips he looked between Toni and the bottle then his head fell backwards and he started to shake violently in his chair Toni grabbed my hand and then buried her head in the crook of my neck when her father started to scream in pain. Slowly, I wrapped my arms around the girl calming her down slightly "it's ok" I whispered while holding her tighter as her father screamed and gasped after ten minutes of Toni grabbing onto me for dear life and Alfa screaming in pain everything went silent Toni slowly moved away from me and looked at her now unconscious father. "Get him to bed I want someone watching him until he is well again" Toni ordered to the pack that has been watching this whole time in an almost Alfa voice I smiled proud of her ever tho her eyes where red from silently crying into my shoulder. Once everyone had left the room Toni turned to me and just collapsed into my arms "am so sorry for shouting at you please forgive me she is like my little sister and I got so scared"  she said to me while looking into my eyes "I understand it's fine I shouldn't of lost control so easy she was just protecting you" I said smiling softly Toni took my hand into hers "I don't need protecting from you anymore red" my wolf almost melted at how adorable my mate is "well I better go get JB we still on for pops?" She asked nervously I gasped as I completely forgot "of course" I said as Toni giggled then looked at the floor smiling "see you then blossom I will come and pick you up in an hour?" Toni said letting go of my hand and walking to the door I nodded with a huge smile I was unable to hide. The second Toni shut the door I ran as fast as I could into Betty's room and jumped onto the bed completely forgetting Veronica was chained to the bed and Betty was hurt "am going on a date with her holy shit! What do I wear? What do I say?what if she doesn't like me? Oh god!" I rambled but when I heard a small growl I shut up and looked at the two girls staring at me "get out" Betty whispered as she wrapped herself around Veronica "am sorry about last night am sure Toni regrets what she did" I said stretching out my arm and placing my hand on Betty's shoulder but Veronica gave me a warning growl so I moved away and got off the bed "am sorry" I said sadly leaving the room. I sighed as I walked to my room to get ready for my date.
Toni's pov
Ok calm down. It isn't that much of a big deal it's just me and Cheryl blossom going on a and Cheryl blossom! "You will be fine tiny just relax and be yourself!" I heard jughead tell me from the kitchen of my trailer "but what side of me? My soft and innocent side or my crazy side?" I shouted back seriously but I only earned a laugh from the three boys that where waiting for me to show them how I look. I walked to the kitchen and the boys whistled and clapped as I walked in "you look sexy tiny" fangs said hugging me tightly "is it to much?" I asked nervously looking down at the clothes I was wearing. I had my serpent leather jacket on with a black very revealing crop top with black ripped jeans with a black belt that had silver spikes on and also my black army boots "you look amazing but also like your going to a funeral" sweetpea said with a laugh I sighed and rolled my eyes "thanks for the confidence boost man" I said running my hands through my hair "don't listen to him T you look so hot I mean if I was straight I would definitely take you out" fangs said making me laugh I looked at jughead for his approval as he is the over protective one out of the three boys that I class as brothers. He looked me up and down then looked at me seriously "you must be back for the serpent meeting, if anything happens we will be outside of pops so just shout and we will be there, I don't want you and the devils child making out Ok? If I see one smudge of lipstick you are grounded" jughead said completely serious about the whole this my wolf sighed. "So you mean you have FP doing a whole back round check on her and her family? And if I don't listen to you and kiss her you will make me clean the whole of the white worm and you three will be in my trailer every single day to make sure I don't leave?" I asked grabbing my bright yellow bag and putting it on "we have to be safe tiny remember what happened last time?" He said earning a punch in the arm from sweat pea and a death glare from fangs "am so sorry Toni I Didn't think" I sighed then smiled "it's ok it was in the past am over it am onto better things" I smiled at the boys "yeh your onto a blossom" sweatpea scoffed playfully trying to change the subject which am happy about. "What's so bad about the blossom?" I said leaning against the bench "well you are going to be the first ever serpent to be with a blossom and the first serpent to ever actually like them as people" jughead laughed I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath "well we should go remember you guys stay outside and don't embarrass me ok?" I said only earning smirks and slight nods I walked out of my trailer and got onto my bike with a small smile "I will meet you guys there" I quickly said before turning on my engine and then driving away. As I got closer and closer to my mate my heart beat went faster and faster am so nervous I haven't been on a real date since...never mind let's hope this date goes a little batter!

Very sorry for the slow update but you know hahah DEPRESSION...anyway I hope you enjoyed tell me what u think Oki bye xx

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