Chapter 11

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Tonis POV
Two months later
"How the hell did you get this!?" Misty said with a cute smile in her face "the vampire cris said he would give it to me for a blowjob" I joked but Misty didn't think I was joking "9 JOKING! I swapped him one of my bra's" this time I wasn't joking "you know if we get caught with this we are dead right?" I looked around us.there was no one. Me and Misty volunteered to be in the gardening club so we could have a pass to be outside at any point we want. "Come on we can go behind the greenhouse no one will see us" I grabbed misty's hand and led her down and behind the greenhouse this is where we sneak of too most nights just to talk really. "How are you going to light the thing?" Misty asked looking down at the pre-rolled blunt in my hand I smiled and looked at Misty who sighed then with one word the blunt was lit and we where smoking. "I haven't had some of this stuff for far too long, I don't understand why people think it's so bad" I said as I exhaled then pasted it to Misty who just looked at it with a worried look. "Have you ever done this before?" I asked gently she shook her head I smiled and took it back of her and inhaled a bit of smoke I brought misty's lips close to mine and gently blew the smoke into her mouth she inhaled perfectly but coughed when she exhaled we both laughed them I handed it her her again and this time she did it and didn't cough. Good it's loud when people cough. We both lay down looking up at the stars still smoking "what was it like at home...before this?"  Misty asked passing me the blunt "it was okay I guess...I mean I had a Mam and a dad that would do anything for me and a best friend that die for me but at that time I was so focused on the bad stuff that I didn't even realise what I had. I let one stupid, hurt girl get into my head and that's all my life revolved around...the darkness ,the pain of her words and cuts and bruises. She broke me down my whole life but am gonna fall in love with her and marry her" I sighed thinking about Cheryl...again. "Why the hell would you do that T? You could find someone that really loves you! Someone who would never hurt you! Someone that we be by your side forever." I passed the blunt back to the girl and said "it's just what will happen I don't get to choose ,wolfs have mates remember...Cheryl is different now...she has learnt from her mistakes and she would never hurt me like that again. I know she didn't mean it she was hurting too she has more issues then most people know and the only way for her to feel better just for a second was to take it out on other people" I said defending her "so when you leave here you have her waiting for you? Are you two dating?" Misty said looking at me I sighed "she is waiting for me...but we aren't dating" Misty put out the blunt and climbed onto me "what are you doing? If your mother-" I was cut of by misty's lips being pushed into mine I pushed her off me and stood up "I can't do that do Cheryl am sorry..I do like you-" I was cut of again "you can't see her for like a year and 10 months and am sure out side in the world she will be with other people to fill the hole in her heart" Misty said she was probably right I sighed the thought of Cheryl with other people made me sick I felt a hand on my shoulder "I see the way you look at me sometimes topaz, I know where your brain takes you when you look at me...come on let's have some fun" Misty said smiling at me "you will feel so much better after" my wolf was telling me to just walk away and talk to Misty in the morning but my horny teenage brain wanted to do so many things to the girl stood in front of me "one time" I said she smiled and whispered in my ear "we will see about that T"
Cheryl's POV
"Hey pretty lady" Betty said sitting next to me in the bar I just sulked and took a drink "no one you like?" Betty said sadly "no of course not! How could there be! Toni is the only one I like and it's horrible!" Betty laughed "Cheryl you aren't looking for your true love! Your looking for a one night stand!" I thought about it for a while "but Toni is in a boarding school and when she gets back she might be mad at me" Betty laughed and nudged me "I don't want to be disrespectful to toni but if she isn't completely in a relationship then she isn't tied down and will do what ever she wants I have known her my whole life! At least try and dance with a someone" just as Betty Finished her sentence a tall black haired boy came over and started to talk to me "hey am nick st Claire" he said with a smile I looked at Betty for help but she was gone "can I buy you a drink?" He asked smoothly even tho his heart was beating like crazy. Well if am not going to enjoy being here then I might as well get some free drinks "sure nothing too strong" I answered with a warm smile he called over the bar tender and ordered a red wine and a jack. "So where you from?" Nick asked making small talk "right here in river dale" I answered plainly he sighed a little and took a sip of his drink his heart was going so fast it was so loud! "Are you nervous?" I asked him he nodded a little this time with a nervous smile "don't be I won't bite, hi am Cheryl blossom" I said holding out my hand he laughed a little then shook my hand "nice to meet-" I cut him off as I quickly drank my drink and said "look your good looking so I will come back to yours tonight if you want me to? But it will be a one time thing, no strings just sex got it?" Nick's eyes opened wide but then he nodded his head I smiled with a sigh "don't do this! Think about Toni!" My wolf shouted but I just drowned her out with a few shots.
Toni's POV
Misty led me into her room my heart was beating so fast and my wolf was scratching to run away. "Just lay on the bed" Misty said seductively but this just didn't feel right. I forced myself to walk to the bed and sit down. Misty slowly took of her shirt leaving her in pants and a bra "mis what if your mother hears us I think-" I was cut of when her bra fell to the floor and she pulled of her pants so she was just in her underwear " what?" She said with a smile I just stared at her. "This isn't right! That's not Cheryl!" My wolf shouted, she was right. The girl in front of me walked closer and grabbed my hand just as she was about to place my hand on her breast. I can't do this. I jumped away from the girl and ran my hands through my hair "am so sorry! Your gorgeous and your body is amazing but your not her! You don't make my heart skip a beat at the thought of you naked! Your skin doesn't feel the same on mine, I can't do this Misty. Even though she hurt me I want to give her more of a chance to prove herself I know she isn't truly that mean she is just hurt, like all of us. Am sorry I can't do this to her even if she goes with someone else, I can't. I love you Misty but Cheryl is my mate and the one I want to be with...I really hope you understand" I said leaving her room quickly. I need to see Cheryl. Now.
Cheryl's POV
Nick and I had more to drink then we ended up in his house he guided me to his room I can't really see where am going as everything is dark. "Lay down on the bed" nick said happiness in his voice I slowly sat onto his bed "Cheryl listen to me get out the house! You can't do this! Please Cheryl you will regret it!" My wolf said but I couldn't really understand her nick was kissing down my neck as his hand slowly rid further and further up my thighs "you don't feel right" I said out loud nick stopped and pulled away "what's wrong?" I sat up. What the hell am I doing!? I can't do this "I can't do this am so sorry your nice but I can't do that to Toni I love her" nick jumped of me "you have a boyfriend?" I laughed "not exactly but kinda" I said he nodded his head "well-um you can sleep in here and I will go on the sofa or I will call you a cab?" He asked Generously I smiled at him "can you call me a cab please?" He nodded his head and grabbed his phone calling a number and ordering me a cab "should be here in 10 minutes" he said as he help me get my stuff. After 10 minutes the cab was outside and nick made sure I got in safely "thank you nick" I said to him he kisses the back of my hand "I hope this person loves you just as much" he said then the cab sped away. I need to see Toni. Now.

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