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Or black.
Or beige.

Whatever colour you've set for the story view of your Wattpad account.

That's the only thing you can see.

And my words.

You can see them too, right?

Please tell me you can or this entire thing will be literally pointless.
I'll just assume you can for now.

Basically I... Feel bad. You guys... Expected more from the first story.
And I feel like I didn't deliver.
Hell, I think the guilt has been giving me constant writer's block for like, a month now. I want to move on.

But I can't.

I love the ship too, guys. And I basically... Made a huge dick move by ending the story like I did.

I'm not as... Cruel as I made myself be in the first story, I think.
I do love angst but... I think that was too much.

And I'm gonna make it right.

I'm gonna Remake the Impossible.

Without using the OVERWRITE button.
It nearly used up all my power last time anyway...

Maybe one last time...

I'll use it one last time.
But not on them.

On myself.

I'll use it to insert myself in the story.
In a way at least.
I don't have enough power yet to fully do so.
I'll be in the Void.
Not Anti-Void.

I'll be able to interact with the Multiverse in a very... Limited way...
But I'll be able to at least start what I had in mind.
And write this.


Let's do this.


Remake the Impossible [Underverse]Where stories live. Discover now