Bowser: Alright leave it to us.

Eggman: We'll take care of this.

Bulk: Uh oh. Bowser and Eggman.

Bowser charges up his flames while Eggman summons his weapons from his mobile.

Slash: The lead actors in this "heroic" farce.

Terra: You've been fighting all day I hope you're getting overtime!

Terra fires some shots while Bowser and Eggman responds with fire balls and missiles. After the clash Nora speeds up.

Nora: Better get out of the way! I don't mind running you over!

Bowser charges his fire to a minimum and Eggman charges up a laser.

Terra: Now'd be a good time to duck.

Slash ducks and Terra responds with some dark magic in her hands. Bowser unleashes a flame thrower and Eggman fires a laser thanks to the powers of Hebimaki they were able to win the clash from Terra who fires her own laser but it fails as the flames and laser hits the truck setting it on fire and causing to lose control. With no other option Takasuki escapes via teleportation.

Nora: Crud. We've been hit.

Terra: Hebimaki.

Bowser and Eggman jump and get out of the way as the truck Takasuki was using crashes down hill and explodes.

(*Music stops*)

After the chase the villains investigate the crash.

Eggman: Nega what are you doing here?

Bowser: If you were here you could've given us a hand.

Eggman Nega: Hey don't bite my head off I was late that's all.

Eggman: Whatever. Anyway where's Takasuki?

Eggman Nega: They escaped again.

Bowser. Jr: Those cowards don't know when to quit do they?

Bowser, Eggman, Junior, and Nega look at the remains of the inside of the truck only to find it empty.

Bowser. Jr: What is that? Is this some kind of high tech truck?

Eggman Nega: I gotta say it is impressive. But there's no way a truck like this would be empty if there was something in here.

Bowser: They were transporting something in here but we need to figure out what it is.

Eggman: Whatever it is they were transporting it's something not good.

At the Organization Takasuki's hideout

(*Cues: Kingdom Hearts 3 -Scala Ad Caelum Field Theme- Extended*)

Yami is seen outside of the hideout watching the sunrise, just then Terra, Bulk, Nora, and Slash teleported in front of him.

Yami: Welcome back. I am pleased to see you guys safe.

Terra: Thank you sir. Sorry it took us long we were going to take a shortcut but somehow Bowser and Eggman knew our location and chased us with their armies so we were forced to go on the long road and eventually escape.

Mario & Sonic: Dimensional Chaosजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें