Chapter 16: The Final Battle, Part 3 (The Fate of all existence)

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Mario and Sonic engage in a final duel with Yami for the fate of all existence itself in the final chapter of the story. With Yami at maximum power it's up to Mario and Sonic to save the day.

(*Cues: Kingdom Hearts 3 -Scala Ad Caelum Field Theme- Extended*)

Mario and Sonic walk down the pathway from where they left off as they search for Yami.

Mario: Yami's gotta be around here somewhere.

Sonic: Yeah he has to be after all this used to be his homeworld so we have to look around.

Mario: We have to try though the fate of our worlds rest in our hands are friends are counting on us so we can't let them down.

Sonic: Come on Mario let's go check out the town.

Mario: Right we're out of time so we have to move.

Mario and Sonic starts running straight towards the city. They begin exploring to find Yami. They looked for minutes.

Mario: So while we look for Yami I suggest we find some clues in where his whereabouts would be.

Sonic: Good idea but let's hurry though everyone's counting on us if we mess up or fall behind it'll be the end of everything.

Mario nods his head in agreement as they continue onwards. They went through several places such as Yami's home, Yami's school, and Hebimaki and Takasuki's base all completely empty on the deserted planet.

Sonic: Man we can't find anything here are we?

Mario: No kidding this place is completely deserted.

???: That's because I recreated this planet.

They hear a familiar voice as they turn around as it's revealed to be Yami. Mario and Sonic prepare for battle only to find out it's a hologram.

Mario: Where are you?

Yami: If you want to find me. Meet me in the center of town.

The hologram disappears.

Sonic: Well now we know where he is then let's get going.

Mario: Alright let's hope it's not a trap.

They head to the center of town but couldn't find Yami anywhere.

Mario: Mama Mia... Where is he?

Sonic: So he lies to us huh.

Just then a hologram shows Mario and Sonic something.

Mario: What is this?

They are shocked to find out everything. From Yami moments before colliding their worlds as they did this in their ship.

7 days ago (Chapter 1)

Terra: We are ready to test it sir.

Yami: Good. You may begin.

They begin powering up a massive energy source as the energy is building up the leader similes.

Yami: The time has finally come. Soon from this moment forward...

They open two portals and the energy splits and flies through both of them.

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