Chapter 2: Prison break

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After getting caught by the blinding light explosion Mario and Sonic's sidekicks Luigi and Tails find themselves in a prison and they must work together to break out.

We see Luigi and Tails unconscious on a bunk bed. Tails on top and Luigi at the bottom. Tails is the first to wake up.

Tails: (yawns and sighs) Jeez things really do hit me on the head there. But...Where am I?

Tails looks around and turns out he's in a small room. Tails tries to recall what happened to him.

Tails: The last thing I remember is that I was with Sonic when we saw this huge purple light thing sucked me and Sonic in and.....that's just about it. I wonder what happened.

Tails notices that he's on a bunk bed and slowly flies down.

Tails: Well I guess I'll have to find out.

Tails then turns around and noticed Luigi who is still unconscious laying on the bottom part of the bunk bed.

Tails: Is that Luigi? I wondered what happened to him.

Tails then approaches Luigi slowly and touches him by the shoulder causing him to wake up.

Luigi: Oooh...Huh?

However Luigi easily jump scared when he saw Tails.

Luigi: Aaahh!!!! What the?

Tails: Hey hey hey calm down it's me.

Luigi clams down the moment he sees Tails.

Luigi: Oh hey Tails for a second there I thought you were someone else.

Tails: But don't worry it's just me.

Luigi: Yeah. But where are we?

Tails: That's the question I've been wondering. Can you remember anything.

Luigi: Well I was at my house with Mario and we saw this purple light that got huge and sucked me and Mario in it.... Other then that it's pretty much all I can remember.

Tails: I see. So you got in it too huh.

Luigi: Wait you got caught in the light too??

Tails: Yeah it and me and Sonic were caught in it.

As they say this Luigi and Tails start to worry if Mario and Sonic are okay.

Luigi: Oh no! Mario! I hope he's okay.

Tails: Oh yeah I just hope Sonic is alright.

Luigi: We have to find out where we are and find Mario and Sonic.

Tails: Exactly.

Luigi: But how?

Tails: I'm not sure.

Tails and Luigi notice the window so when the looked outside they are shocked at what they saw.

Luigi and Tails: WHAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!

The player twos look outside only to find the skies are purple and their worlds are collided into one.

Luigi: What just happened? What is this? What's going on here?

Tails: I don't know but it looks like our worlds collided into one. But I don't know how but we have to get out of this place and find out.

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