Chapter 13: One Day Left

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With one more day left until Yami's plan goes into place, Mario and Sonic must prepare for the final showdown so they travel everywhere to take back every territory Takasuki has taken over, train how to use Hebimaki's powers, and recruit people all around the world to help fight to take back their worlds.

The skies are orange and we see the sun slowly start rising into the sky. From this view we can see several lights moving on a road.

(*Cues: Iron Battle*)

We cut to the lights and it turns out to be a large truck with several cars and ships following it in a great chase. In these cars and ships we see various Mario and Sonic villains such as Bowser Jr, the Koopalings, the Broodals, the Deadly Six, Infinite, Metal Sonic, and many more. They are chasing the truck one of the cars goes in on the right side and they spot Nora in the front driver's seat.

Larry: Hey it's that Nora lady!

Roy: So it is Organization Takasuki!

Before they could shoot some spells Nora rams them to the side pushing them backwards.

Zazz: We got them!

But again Nora rams them to the side.

Iggy: Oh come on!

Every shoots attacks at Takasuki's truck but it's completely unfazed.

Wendy: No luck!

Bowser. Jr: Then let's closer! Metal Sonic!

Metal Sonic speeds ahead as everyone else follows him. Metal does a spin dash on the left side of the truck but Terra pops up from the back seat of the window and fires a blast at Sonic's robotic counterpart as he is sent flying towards Ludwig and Mortan and are knocked back.

Ludwig: Sorry we're out!

The rest continue chase as Infinite attempts to use the Phantom Ruby to blast some attacks.

Infinite: Take this!

But to no avail Terra counters with a shield and summons a giant hand to slap him aside knocking out several villains. Slash pops out at the top of the truck and throws an attack at their pursuers.

Slash: Upsie-daisy! So very persistent!

Slash makes a forcefield blocking Sonic and Mario villains in the process but Zavok's manages to get through and climbs on the top of the truck.

Zavok: What are you up to? You tyrants!

Terra: You expect us to answer that?

Terra fires blasts Zavok of the truck. Nora is angered at the situation.

Nora: How did the villains know our route?

As she asked and is about to get a response this we cut to a shot inside the truck of something shiny the camera zoom in and we see two shiny objects.

Terra: Someone must'a talked.

Slash: A leak? Who is it?

Terra: How should I know?

We cut to a shot and we see Bowser and Eggman on the road waiting for the truck.

Kamek: My lord, doctor, the pursuit team lost them looks like it's up to you.

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