Chapter 11: Counterattack

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While Mario and Sonic still try recover, the Freedom Fighters find a way to use Hikari and Hebimaki Organization's powers to beat Yami and Organization Takasuki, Mario and Sonic's pals attempt to find a counterattack against Yami.

(*Cues: Story Mode Serious Music-Mario and Sonic at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games*)

Mario and Sonic have just raped up finishing their story and Yami's origins.

Tails: Ahhh so that's what happened.

Luigi: It all makes sense now.

Knuckles: Wait so you're telling me that despite all the chaos and trouble he's caused all Yami wanted deep down was peace across the multiverse?

Peach: That's so sad. To think that they were pure evil all they wanted was bring peace.

Amy: I can't even imagine the pain Terra felt when she lost her mother I'll bet she was really lonely on the inside.

Daisy: In all honestly I can understand why she felt betrayed by her sisters.

Blaze: Such a sad and tragic story. They lost everything such as their friends Hulk, Lash, and Akua. But we mustn't forget what they've done and all the lives that have been lost at their hands.

Rosalina: She's right their past is truly a sad and tragic one but ultimately it doesn't justify their actions remember regardless of their history they are still a big threat to everyone everywhere. They are a they are a nihilist misanthropist organization and will continue to be a threat if we don't stop them.

All: Right.

Shadow: Now that we know about this man and white- excuse me Hikari, we might actually have a chance to win this war. But the question is how will we use it?

Sonic: Now that you mention it we just got Hebimaki's powers but we still don't know how we can use them.

Mario: Hmmm. Yeah we have to figure it out.

(*Music stop*)

E. Gadd comes in the room.

E. Gadd: Mario, Sonic thank goodness you're awake.

Mario: Professor.

Sonic: What's wrong you seemed to be shocked at something.

E. Gadd: Got bad news. While you two were comatose there's been a lot going on. Look!

He turns on the computer large screen and we see the Commander.

Commander: Mario, Sonic thank goodness you're awake the all resistance around the globe are not doing to good, Takasuki somehow got even stronger than they already are, their destroying any army and resistance bases annihilating every last one of them. Going to the Sprixie Kingdom, Cap Kingdom, Cascade Kingdom, Sand Kingdom, Lake Kingdom, Wooded Kingdom, Cloud Kingdom, Lost Kingdom, Metro Kingdom, Snow Kingdom, Seaside Kingdom, Luncheon Kingdom, Ruined Kingdom, Paper Mario book, Planet Wisp, Green Hill, Emerald Hill, Angel Island, Station Square, Tropical Resort,
Sweet Mountain, Asteroid Coaster, Atopos, Mazuri, Empire City, Adabat, Shamar, Spagonia, Chun-Nan, Holoska, many MANY more. Their everywhere so fast.

Everyone is horrified at what they just heard

All: WHAT?!?!

Commander: And it gets worse just take a look.

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