Chapter 9: Light vs Darkness (Yami Origins, Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Yami: Seriously Hikari? Spicy chips again?

Hikari: Yeah those chips again, their really good.

Yami: Good? Their far from good! Their terrible! You know how much I hate spicy stuff!

Hikari: Hey I'm sorry if you hate it but maybe you should try it it is very good!

Yami: I already did and their terrible! So don't make me try them again.

Hikari: Whatever.

Suddenly the door was broken down behind them.

(*Cues: C.R.A.S.H theme*)

The police started storming in with guns pointing at them.

Police #1: Hands up!

Police#2: Get on the ground!

Female Police #1: Right now!

The boys were forced to obey the orders of the cops and were under arrest. The police handcuffed both of them much to the duo's dismay.

Hikari: Just great.

Yami: Stupid police.

Female Police #2: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

The cops forces the boys on their feet on their feet as they walk out the door.

Female Police #2: You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.


Yami and Hikari are scene in prison.

Hikari: We were orphans back then pretty much for our whole lives. But that didn't stop us from having dreams and desires.

The boys were later scene being released from prison and are met with a soon to be named individual.

Man: Sighs. Great I could never get a break huh. Seriously When will you kids ever learn?

Hikari and Yami: Sorry Senko.

Senko: Alright, but don't do it again just because your parents aren't around to yell you guys doesn't mean I will now let's head back you have school tomorrow.

Next day

Hikari and Yami attend U.N. Middle/High School where they are seen walking in the hallways as several students at the school look at them. While there they hear some familiar voices.

???: There you are.

The voices turned out to be their friends Harry (16), Bulk (12), Nora (12), Slash (13), Champ (14), Lash (13), Akua (14), and Hulk (15).

Hikari: Oh hey guys.

Akua: We saw the news: What did you guys steal this time.

Hikari: It was a bag of chips.

Akua scolds Hikari as she grabs him by the ear.

Akua: You two should really stop getting into trouble one of these days you'll get yourselves killed if you keep doing this!

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