Chapter 7: The Resistance Summit

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With Mario finished off the guards, Sonic continues running on ahead runs straight through a tunnel but sees more guards 30 feet away charging at them with their powers at the ready. Sonic however chuckles as he knows a way around this. Sonic runs up a wall on to the ceiling and boosts forward at full speed while the guards who tried to charge at the hedgehog from all sides failed to stop each other from crashing into each other in time. Sonic jumps out of the tunnel as all the guards clashed into each other which resulted an explosion. Sonic lands on the ground with Mario flying and landing next to him as the Wing Cap wears off. The two notices the Organization Takasuki escaping on a big ship as Yami taunts them.

Yami: It's the end of the line for you!

Not wanting to let their enemies get away Mario and Sonic starts charging at and gives chase just as the ship launches to the sky of the the edge of the mountain. However unfortunately for them Mario and Sonic jump so high in their air and dive straight towards the Organization much to Yami's horror.


However it turns out to be a simulation because as Yami was screaming everything turns pixelated.

Computer: Simulation complete.

(*Cues: Professor E. Gadd theme Luigi's Mansion 3*)

Mario and Sonic land on the ground in a simulation room where we see Luigi, Tails, Yoshi, Knuckles, Peach, Amy, Daisy, Blaze, and E. Gadd watch this happen.

Mario: Yo that was So freaking awesome.

Sonic: I hope anyone saw that epic jump at that last part cause that's my favorite. It was like something from an action movie.

Luigi: Yeah that was great.

Tails: Great job Sonic and Mario.

The duo looks at the recordings of Mario and Sonic's actions throughout the simulation.

Mario: This training room is really cool, Professor.

E. Gadd: I'm glade you guys are enjoying it.

Sonic: Yeah I wanna run that again cause it's awesome.

E. Gadd: Hold on there. This technically I created is sensitive so try to be carful.

Knuckles: Take it easy there let the rest of us have a turn.

Peach: Yeah I think it's gonna be great.

Amy: Indeed it will be.

Daisy: Yeah I think it's best if we train so we can get stronger.

Blaze: As much as I hate relying on help I think that even I should do the same especially against our foes.

Mario: Alright well you ladies have fun.

Sonic: We'll just be here waiting.

E. Gadd: Very well than I'll prepare for the next simulation.

(*Music stops*)

Just then Wario, Shadow, Waluigi, and Silver bust through the door.

Wario, Shadow, Waluigi, and Silver: Professor we have something!

Mario & Sonic: Dimensional ChaosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora