Everybody each puts on a watch.

Mario: Alright now we know what's going on so this means we gotta move quick if we're going to stop them.

Sonic: Yeah so let's find out who ever these guys are and kick every single one of  their butts.

All: Right!

(*Cues: Red Lotus theme*)

Meanwhile Slash and Terra are having a conversation.

Slash: Great once again those guys are still trying to keep up. How did they get the intel?!

Terra: It was that fox boy while he and the green plumber were escaping from our hands he managed to snag some intel about what's happening. Good thing that wasn't all the information he had.

Slash: Huh? What are you talking about?

Terra: You'll see.

Terra pulls out her phone and calls their leader.

Terra: Nothing on them yet. What? Are you sure? Okay I see, sir. We'll await your next move.

She got of the phone.

Slash: What did the boss say?

Terra: Get prepared because we have a plan.

Slash: Plan? What are you-

Terra: Not our main plan we have another plan.

Slash: And what other plan is that?

Terra: You'll see.

(*Cues: Music stops*)

At the Freedom Fighter's base. Sonic and Mario are seen talking to E. Gadd who was fixing the Tornado.

Sonic: Think you can fix it?

E. Gadd: Of course I will trust me your fox friend will have his plan fixed before the Ultimate Day.

Mario: Wait the what now?

E. Gadd: Ultimate Day. I decided to call it that because that's the day before our greatest battle yet starts.

Mario: I see.

Sonic: What about some weapons and abilities will be ready by the time the day comes.

Mario: That's great than the Freedom Fighters should be all good.

The screen on the map starts glitching out. As this happens it catches the Freedom Fighter's attention. They all look confused and began to question what's wrong.

Creamy: Hey what's going on?

Espio: This wasn't like this an hour ago.

Silver: Well can someone fix it?

Wario tried to fix it only to find out that it's not working.

Wario: Ugh It's not working.

Waluigi: Let me try.

Waluigi pushes a button but that only made things worse as electricity starts coming out of the screen with the purple plumber nearly dodging it.

Waluigi: Whoa what the heck?!

Mario & Sonic: Dimensional ChaosМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя