The confrontation

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The wind was lashing lightly, yet the sun beamed down from
The grey
But then a familiar fake pheromone was smelt.
There he saw Denki, smoking a cigar leaning against the edge of the railing blocking people from jumping off to their deaths.
Denki glanced getting a whiff of some other presence tensing up before glaring at Shinso "why the fuck are you here?!" He growled even more tense than before as he even dropped his cigar, soon stomping the burning ashes out as it crumpled, wind picking up the black specs floating into the sky as Denki stared at Shinso.  

Shinso shut the door, sighing as he makes his way towards Denki. Stopping right in front of him. "You always did like the sunshine, kami" ah. There it is. kami. That nickname he always used lovingly. In a caring tone. He didn't see why this would be any different. He felt the cool breeze on the back of his neck, looking directly into Kaminaris eyes, examining every inch of this new version of him. He noticed him tensing up, noticing the glare. "You sense I'm an alpha don't you?" He asks softly, before smiling "I wonder how long I was asleep for, for you to turn to a villain. Last I saw. You were my sunshine pikachu" he says looking at him once more.     Kaminari stated confused and backed up against the railing, he hated this.. why did he smell so nice? He then growled back like an alpha "DON't give me nicknames..." he says despite the strange warm bloom he felt leaving a nervousness behind.
Kaminari had a cold resenting look, relying lots on how others judged him, aka they all thought he was an alpha. He didn't like the way he was being studied and then tensed up more growling
"Who the fuck is sunshine?! And I know I could SMELL your fucking presence from a mile away" he says as he then bared his teeth for a second annoyed by the strange warmness.
Nobody gave /warmth/
It was hellfire
It was burning
Glass on the floor world.
"Asleep? What the hell are you talking about" he says changing subject to ease the strange feeling.
'I feel attached' he thought.

Shinso looked into his eyes "you always adored that nickname. Why is now any different?" He was still a bit confused on what was happening. He thought this could be the same Kami as it was, or at least it felt like last night. He took notice of the cold resenting look on the omega. "You growl like an Alpha, but I know your not. Must have taken a while to master it. Sunshine is you, Kami" kami. Don't forget Kami. Please. Shinso was breaking inside, doing a damn well convincing job at hiding it from him. The one person he loved. Only within arms reach, but yet, emotionally he was so far away. "Last I remember. We were sleeping together. Now. I wake up and your gone." He says matter-of-factly.

Kaminari was confused as he stated looking at the boy blushing but trying to hide the fact he DID enjoy the nickname when this man said it.
He sighed as he then gave a less cold eyed stare, only to freak out.
"WHAT?! How do you know?!" He asks startled suddenly giving a familiar embarrassed look, shyly glancing away but growing scared at how much this guy knew.
"Sunshine? What the hell are you talking- no, how do you know so much about me huh? And no, I don't recall any such thing..  I never had such a friend or partner" he sneered trying to keep a facade up to keep his cool.

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