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It's been a week since I started college , it has been pretty tough to adjust my self to college and a new environment. I made some new friends including Grace. They helped me so much regarding getting around the city

Oli and I went to college together whenever we both had classes . We both started having our meals together , it helped us both to save time and we took turns preparing the meals so it's less work. However, Oliver has been distant lately,  we didnt cuddle or hug anymore , we never kissed again either .

I was already confused as to what are we , then this came and confused me even more . I was a bit awkward around him , I wasn't really sure how to act. Oliver seemed to act fine and talk fine , he wasn't ignoring me either . He just stopped being touchy and that made me feel weird .

I was at my appartment getting ready for a party held for the first year students. It was one the biggest parties I was ever invited to . I was excited to meet new people and socialize . Of course , crazy Gracy lured me into saying yes. Yes , Crazy Gracy,  me and her friend decided to give her that name,  it suited her so well .

I picked a dress suitable for the party   and dancing pairing it with heels, did my hair, and went barefaced.  Gracy was waiting for me in her car . " hi ! " I shouted once I saw her car . Getting in I heard voices in the back .

"Lena , Sam this is May " Gracy introduced us as she turned her keys making the engine roar .  "Hi " they both waved simultaneously.  They both looked amazing wearing a wide smile on their faces .

" you all look amazing " I complimented  the girls in awe . They looked absolutely fabulous . " thank you so are you !omg I love the dress " Sam gushed checking me out .  Lena frowned " why aren't you wearing makeup?  You need to look EXTRA " she questioned making sparkles in the air with her hands .

I shrugged " I don't really have any ..." I trailed half lying . " let's glam you up once we reach " Gracy squealed excitedly like a girl dressing up her barbie . I laughed , this was going to be fun . 

The place was PACKED it was absolutely enormous.  People dancing,  playing , drinking , and ... um making out everywhere.  The girls had done my makeup and in a matter of minute they glammed me up . I appreciated that so much and looked differently pretty. I wasn't packed with makeup but I did look different. 

We danced and played beer pong as I just watched and cheered. We all had drinks and having the time of our lives . I got tired as I sat down on the couch and the girls followed after . " I think we lost Lena "Sam commented making us laugh .

" let's go dance " Sam shouted pulling Grace and I. Lena was already making out with someone and he was all over her . " I'll pass I'll join you in a while , after I have my drinks " they let go of my hands as they nodded understanding.  I was on the couch watching everyone do their thing until I was approached by a hot man . 

" your look gorgeous " he whispered in my ears making me shudder . " ah so do ... you " I laughed awkwardly.  I couldn't flirt to save my life .

" I'll go grab some drinks " and with that he left as I waited for him to comeback with the drink .

He was sexy hot , his hair done just perfectly messy , he wore a plain shirt over dark pants.  His eyes were playful and dark. " here milady " I giggled as I took the drink from him .

"Let's go upstairs shall we ? Its quiet up there " I nodded as I took his hands .
We reached a room , it was empty and little noise reached us . " what's your name ? " he questioned with a mischievous melting smirk .  " Audrey and you ?  " I gave him my first name .

" Liam " he gave me one of his melting smile .  " enjoying the drink ? " he asked  as I nodded lying . I didnt take a sip of it yet . He approached me closer while putting his cup on a surface near us .

Suddenly and without any signs he pushed me on the bed pinning me . I started to panic , his face got dangerously closer as I dodged it turning sideways.  He laughed " let's have some fun , I wont hurt you , I promise"

" no" I sternly said trying to get up .  He just continued to carry on as if I said nothing . In a split second his mouth was on mine , his disgusting hands all over my body. 

I screamed . Loud.   His eyes widened as he covered my mouth . His eyes looking at me dangerously . Before he could to anything I bit his hands so hard I tasted the metallic blood. 

He moaned " bitch "  I quickly kneed him in his groin . I was hyperventilating by now,  I thought I'd pass out . He cried in pain as he freed me , I pushed him on the ground then threw my drink I was holding all over him running quickly.

I ran to the door not even looking back,  I held my phone while shivering.  I knew who to call right now . I send a message to Oliver .

Please come and pick me up now !

I typed and sent the location. An arm grabbed me as I turned my hands ready to slap him . It was Lena  " what happened?? " she looked genuinely worried as she examined me . 

I was breathing heavily and shaking, anyone could tell something was off . I wasn't even 30 minutes into the party and someone had tried to rape me. A tear  escaped my eyes . Lena just hugged me tightly .  She ushered me to the front yard where it was a bit quiet and less crowded.

I just wanted to leave , I wanted to go home . Never in my life was I scared to death like that . Sam joined us a few seconds later after spotting us. " what happened ? "She directed her question to Lena .

" I dont know,  I was with that guy and then suddenly I saw her running from upstairs,  I'll go call Gracy , stay with her . "  she patted Sam's shoulder as she ran inside .

" do you want water ?"  Sam looked worried , I just nodded as she went to get some water . I was scared to be left alone but I knew it would take her a few seconds . I waited quietly hoping Liam wouldn't show up. 

The devil himself stood in front of me   
I immediately  shouted " fuck off !" I wasn't going to be used not today not ever . The whole crowd had their eyes on us .   Sam seemed to have heard me and I saw her running back with a bottle of water .  " leave " she stood in front of me .

He just laughed then pushed her away ,  " I'm talking to her now not you " he spat angrily . " and I said fuck off "   I repeated myself . He couldn't do anything,  everyone was looking at us now .

He stepped closer "well you hurt me , you should pay for it "

A tall figure pushed me back behind him and pushed Liam backwards 

" she said fuck off " Oliver said standing in front of me .

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