"Kids, how long do you want to wait?"

"Dom, " Olivia's voice shook as she began panting.

"Woah, I'm just asking a question, baby, " Dominick spoke gently, taking one of Olivia's hands in his.

Olivia felt her chest tighten and panic set in. Her hands got sweaty as she tried to control her breathing without freaking and completely having a panic attack. It was moments before the feeling of being in a tightly confined space got to her.

"Hey, please don't panic, " Dominick spoke trying to find a place to park.

Olivia pulled her hand away and unbuckled her seatbelt trying to give herself space to calm down. Her panting had turned into hyperventilating as tears began painting paths down her cheeks. Dominick was able to find a parking spot in front of their building and parked before unbuckling himself to try and aid Olivia.

"Hey baby, what can I do?" Dom asked reaching for her.

Olivia pulled back and made a dash to get to their apartment. It took a while, but Olivia eventually calmed and was able to breathe. Dominick sat across from her on the coffee table and held her hands as she looked at him for the first time since he asked the question.

"I'm not ready, " Olivia whispered losing her eye contact.

"And that's perfectly okay. I admit I jumped the gun this afternoon and I'm sorry for scaring you, " Dominick spoke lifting Olivia's chin so he could see her.

"I'm sorry too, I don't know why I panicked like that. My anxiety hasn't been like that since high school, but that's a story for another time. It is a talk we need to have and what I have to say is simple. I don't want to have sex until we're married, " Olivia sighed, "I know I originally said engagement was my benchmark, but I'm not ready."

"Okay, " Dominick spoke understandingly, "I'll wait because I love you, and when your ready, just let me know, I love you, " Dominick spoke sweetly.

"I love you too, " Olivia spoke kissing Dominick's lips gently, not in passion, but in pure sweet love.


A week later Olivia was with the people closest to her in a bridal store on the Upper East Side trying on wedding dresses. Between her mom, Casey, Alex, Kathy, little miss Maureen, and Lola, she had plenty of support. After pulling about ten dresses off the racks and trying them all on Olivia was getting frustrated that nothing spoke to her. Olivia found herself in a silk robe tucked in a dressing room having a tiny stress cry when a knock sounded on the door.

"Olivia, " Serena spoke gently through the door.

"Yeah, " Olivia called back trying to hide the emotion in her voice.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yep, just great, " Olivia groaned getting slightly sassy.

"What's wrong?" Serena spoke, opening the door, worried about her daughter.

"I'm frustrated and kinda upset. I just feel like the whole universe is against me."

"Come here, " Serena spoke shutting the door and pulling her baby into her arms, "what's going on?"

"The wedding is stressing me out and Dominick and I had a... I don't even know what to call it, but that's had me overthinking everything and I don't think I'm ever going to find a dress, " Olivia spoke her voice cracking.

"Oh, Livvie Belle, fill me in sweetheart."

Olivia explained the whole baby thing and the panic attack to her mom and Serena completely understood where her daughter's stress was coming from.

A Protector's Love [Benson and Carisi]Where stories live. Discover now