Chapter 15

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She felt her heart lurch into her throat. What was Sagan about to do? Her imagination pushed an endless reel of possibilities through her mind. She rubbed the back of her neck and hesitantly followed behind him. He walked in silence until they reached the camp. She could feel the rage building up inside of him.

"Look what the cat dragged in," Alek said as he stood up. "I was worried about you both, but your pet wouldn't let me look for you."

She wanted nothing more than to disappear. To be in his presence was suffocating.

Sagan walked up to Alek. His muscles bulged out of his arms. Black veins formed on his skin.

Alek crossed his arms. "What's going on?"

"Shut up," he growled, baring his sharp incisors as his eyes became wilder. It looked like he was about to explode. His chest heaved as he glared at his friend like he wanted to kill him. In the moments that she looked at Sagan, she realized he wasn't there. His mind had travelled to another place and whatever had replaced him was far darker than she ever expected.

"Excuse me? What the hell got into you?"

Sagan shook his head and ground his teeth together. Grabbing Alek by his throat, he rushed his body towards a tree trunk and smashed him up against it before pinning his friend using his forearm. The trunk of the tree groaned from the pressure and began to lift off the dirt. With wild eyes and grinding teeth, Alek slammed his fist into the side of Sagan's face, but his friend didn't move. It was as if he didn't even feel the impact.

Elde walked up beside Astra and nuzzled her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, almost afraid of what she was seeing. What was he about to do to his friend?

Sagan's head twisted to the side as he glared at Alek who was unable to free himself from the alligator grip that held him captive. His voice was chillingly calm. "How does it feel to be pushed against the tree? Do you feel helpless yet?" Reaching down he grabbed Alek between his legs. Sweat formed as Alek choked back a scream. "How about now? How does it feel to be touched by someone you don't want to be touched by?" Slowly a malevolent smile crossed his lips. "You know, I haven't gotten laid in a while, how about I fuck you? I'll fuck you to keep me from killing you." Twisting Alek around, he slammed his friend facedown into the ground and climbed on top of him.

"No, get off me," Alek yelled out.

She stood, paralyzed, as her eyes forced her to witness the violent act in front of her. It was one thing to go through the trauma of almost being raped but to see what she went through from the outside made everything all the more terrifying. What was Sagan about to do to him? What horrible act was she about to witness?

"Please stop," she whispered, her words barely leaving her lips as her eyes burned. "Please don't do this. Don't do this."

Getting close to his ear, he licked the back of Alek's neck and moaned. "You taste like honey."

"Stop! I get the point!" he yelled out, struggling to get away but unable to.

"That's how it feels you piece of shit. That's how you made her feel and she will never get over how you violated her. I don't care how much history we have. I don't care who you are to me. If you ever even look in her direction the wrong way, I will kill you myself. Do you understand me?" Shaking from head to toe, Alek nodded his head. Sagan released him, stood up, and took a step back.

Alek glared at him before he stormed into the woods.

"He'll be back by morning," Sagan said darkly. "But I promise you, he will never lay a hand on you ever again. He needs time to think, and we will give him that time."

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